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Elementary Mathematics Institute Day 3 Focus: Perimeter and Area And 3-D Shapes.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Mathematics Institute Day 3 Focus: Perimeter and Area And 3-D Shapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Mathematics Institute Day 3 Focus: Perimeter and Area And 3-D Shapes

2 Perimeter and Area Wreck-Tangles How do areas of rectangles with equal perimeters compare? Complete this activity using the push pins, 30 cm string loop, cardboard and worksheet. Conclusion:

3 What are the areas and perimeters of these parallelograms?


5 This is a family of parallelograms. 1.Find the area of each parallelogram 2. What pattern do you see? 3. Why do you think these parallelograms are called a family?

6 Make a rectangle out of Geo-Strips. Tilt the rectangle out of shape until it makes a different parallelogram. 1.How will the sides, angles, area and perimeter of the new parallelogram compare to the original rectangle? 2. What relations among the sides and angles of rectangles are also true of parallelograms?

7 Area of Parallelogram What is the formula for finding the area of a parallelogram?

8 Challenge What is the area of this parallelogram? How do you know?

9 Use the geoboards and worksheets to find a formula for areas of triangles and trapezoids.

10 How many ways can squares be joined together? Rules: 1.Squares must touch along one entire edge. 2.If a pattern can fit on top of another using a flip or turn, it is considered the same.

11 How many ways can squares be joined together? Number of Squares Number of Patterns Drawings of Patterns 1 2 3 4

12 How many ways can 5 squares be joined together?

13 Which of the pentomino nets can make an open box?

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