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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Gender Pay Gap Data availability and measurement issues Work Session on Gender Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Gender Pay Gap Data availability and measurement issues Work Session on Gender Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Gender Pay Gap Data availability and measurement issues Work Session on Gender Statistics Geneva, 6-8 October 2008

2 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 Gender Pay Gap  No internationally agreed definition  Various measurement approaches  Various sources of data  Various interpretations  Wide variability in estimates 7 October 2008 Limited comparability across countries Unclear interpretation

3 A fresh look

4 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 47 October 2008 Policy Concerns 1. Equal pay for work of equal value 3. Take-home pay 2. Position in job market

5 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 57 October 2008 Policy relevance: 1. Equal pay for work of equal value Basic human right Fundamental workers’ right Gender equality plan in many countries Indicator to monitor potential sex-based discrimination in pay

6 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 67 October 2008 Policy relevance: 2. Overall position in job market Different employment patterns of women and men Women concentrate in low-paying occupations, industries; informal jobs; and contributing family workers Overall lower income for women Indicator of overall position of women and men in job market

7 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 77 October 2008 Policy relevance: 3. Take-home pay Economic welfare and empowerment Bargaining power in house and society Economic independence and security Indicator of gender equality in access to economic resources

8 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 87 October 2008 Measurement Considerations  Policy focus Suggests different measurement approaches  Worker coverage  Concept of income  Type of income measure  Data availability Defines approaches possible  Data source

9 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 97 October 2008 Measurement considerations Coverage All employment (paid- and self-employment) All components of income from employment Jobs“Equal value” jobsMain jobAll jobs Income measure Gross hourly Net monthly or annual 1 2 3

10 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 107 October 2008 Data availability Sources of Income from Employment Data Household surveys Establishment surveys Administrative records Differ in employment, job and income coverage Affect computation of estimates of GPG Affect interpretation of estimates of GPG Limit comparability and clarity of GPG measures

11 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 117 October 2008 UNECE Inquiry –Nov 2007 Assess availability and comparability of data Understand effects on GPG of sources/measures 18 contacted 12 replied Total Employment Paid EmploymentSelf-employment Earnings……… -Annual -Monthly -Hourly -Gross -Net Income data requested Goals Countries …per source + metadata

12 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 127 October 2008 Availability Wide variability in sources Most common: Earnings

13 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 137 October 2008 Comparability Different concepts, definitions and measures

14 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 147 October 2008 Data Source Effect Limited comparability of sources due to differences in coverage and concepts

15 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 157 October 2008 Employment Coverage Effect Limited change when self-employment is included But cases have small share of self-employment

16 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 167 October 2008 Income Measure Effect Large impact on estimates of GPG Due to gender differences in working-time

17 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 177 October 2008 UNECE Inquiry Implications -Not representative but telling Source, concepts, measures affect GPG estimates and interpretation Different policy needs require different measurement approaches Wide variability of data at national level limits comparability

18 Elisa Benes- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 187 October 2008 What can be done?  More thorough assessment needed  Further conceptual work to clearly define policy- relevant indicators Gender Gap in pay for work of equal value Gender Gap in position in job market Gender Gap in take-home pay  Improve consistency in concepts, definitions, measures across national data sources  Improve availability of comparable national income from employment data

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