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What's the trend with diet drinks? Soda companies have targeted consumers who want to lose weight and enjoy a can of fizzy chemicals. But instead they.

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Presentation on theme: "What's the trend with diet drinks? Soda companies have targeted consumers who want to lose weight and enjoy a can of fizzy chemicals. But instead they."— Presentation transcript:


2 What's the trend with diet drinks? Soda companies have targeted consumers who want to lose weight and enjoy a can of fizzy chemicals. But instead they wont feel guilty, want to know why? DIET SODA HAVE BEEN CREATED. This isn't only harmful for your body because of the artificial flavors and colors, but it has even more harmful chemicals and ingredients from the artificial sweeteners used in diet versions of your favorite sodas! How guilty do you feel now?

3 Dieting or not? Coke and Pepsi advertise about how their “diet” drinks are for people who are trying to lose weight, but by drinking these sugar free drinks they are actually doing more harm to their body, and doing the opposite of a diet. The zero drinks have been shown to have the same effect on your body as normal sugar. The artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain. Diet soda is calorie-free, but it won't necessarily help you lose weight, because of the way your body processes the sugar free sweetener.


5 Dieting To Death Diet Sodas can lead to many health conditions condition’s including high blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, raised cholesterol, and large waist circumference. These conditions lead to more serious things that put people at high risk for heart disease, stroke, vascular death, and diabetes.


7 Ingredients When Potassium benzoate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are mixed in most sodas, and heat and light are added to it, benzene can be formed. Benzene is a known carcinogen. Benzene causes harmful effects on the bone marrow and can cause a decrease in red blood cells, this can make you have Nausea, headaches, and also result in death if too much ins ingested. Acesulfame Potassium is known as cancer causing and genetically modified sweetener Potassium citrate leads to kidney failure, a urinary tract infection, uncontrolled diabetes, a peptic ulcer in your stomach, Addison's disease, severe burns or other tissue injury. Aspartame is made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. They have been synthetically altered to carry a methyl group, which gives the soda its sweet taste. The phenylalanine methyl bond, called methyl ester, allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol. Once inside your body, the methanol is converted by alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme into formaldehyde, which can wreak your DNA and sensitive proteins that cause: Birth defects, cancer, and emotional disorders

8 “Carmel Color” Modern-day commercial get their dark color from something called “caramel color. "Caramel Color”, also known as “ammonia sulfite process caramel” is prepared by a controlled heat treatment of carbohydrates with ammonium-containing and sulfite containing compounds. This cancer causing substance is in all sodas with a dark hue. Not many people truly know what it is, because there are no warnings.

9 Diabetic Rates From Diet Sodas Increasing Constantly

10 What is the future for diet soda companies? In the future hopefully, coca cola companies will be shut down by governments, all the chemicals in the soda will become illegal because of the harmful things it can and will do to many peoples bodies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says that someone would need to drink more than 1,000 cans of cola every day to reach the levels that caused cancer in lab rats.

11 How will this trend affect the company? These are the ingredients that will kill the coca cola business, soon they will be shut down…unless they decide to change their recipe and ingredients that they use to make this harmful drink. When more people start dying because of these harmful ingredients they are ingesting, something will have to be done, and the company will crash.

12 How do trends affect you? The diet soda trend affects society by making people think that they are being healthier by drinking diet sodas because its 0 calories and no sugar is added….The market leader adds chemicals to replace those two ingredients. This makes people believe it is okay to have a soda without feeling guilty or being unhealthy. Who wouldn’t pick the “lighter” alternative that still tastes sweet, it’s a pure competition…

13 Sources Used 1) hy-is-diet-soda-bad-for-you/ hy-is-diet-soda-bad-for-you/ 2) soda-bad-for-you/ soda-bad-for-you/ 3) et-soda-vs-regular-soda-one- worse-you-other-308063 et-soda-vs-regular-soda-one- worse-you-other-308063

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