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Soil Ecosystems Review

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Ecosystems Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Ecosystems Review

2 Identify the following relationship and explain why
The cattle egret eats insects that have been disturbed when the cattle forage. A hermit crab taking up residence in an empty seashell.   Fleas and mosquitoes feed on blood from other organisms Aphids eat sap from plants. In the ocean, certain species, like shrimps and gobies, will clean fish. They remove parasites, dead tissue, and mucous.

3 Turn the food web into a pyramid. Label the trophic levels
Turn the food web into a pyramid. Label the trophic levels. Start with 632, 980 kg.

4 Define the following terms and give examples of each.
Community Habitat Ecosystem Abiotic and biotic Population Niche

5 Competition

6 What kind of soil has 45% clay, 5 % silt, and 50% sand?
What is the drainage like?

7 Define the following. Be as specific as possible and give examples
Loam Friable arable

8 Soil formation How is soil formed?

9 Soil horizon List the horizons in order

10 Where would I find this soil horizon?


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