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Jahan 1414, World 2035 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Dignity.

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Presentation on theme: "Jahan 1414, World 2035 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Dignity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jahan 1414, World 2035 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Dignity

2 Why Jahan 1414?  Technologies can shape our future. Changes in the lifestyle could be dramatic, and even revolutionize some basic concepts in the daily life.  Cultures are evolved differently, and the future that our culture might like to shape is possibly very different from one that the Anglo-Saxon culture would develop.  We are in a crucial time that will identify who will lead these changes in the world, and the Jahan 1414 is intended to be a pioneer to shape our future based on the Islamic-Iranian values and beleifs.

3 Why Converging Technologies?  Nano, Bio, Info and Cognitive Technologies are shown to have a great potential for applications that has been in the myths so far. Synthetic biology particularly in the nanoscale can affect human lifestyle, or life span. In such time, the oldest question of the essense of humanity, or “Who am I?”, seems to be passing one of its deciding times. Can life be “built” if the nanostructure of a living organism would be copied?

4 Why Human Dignity?  Original report of NBIC was intended to improvise improved human performance. However, it seems that human dignity is forgotten and many projects of the current US regime, the most technologically advanced entity, are damaging human dignity.

5 Threats to Human Dignity  Social Darwinism  Privacy violations  Humans as advanced Robots

6 Sample Projects that can realize potentials of NBIC  Robot learns self-awareness Robot learns self-awareness  Cognitive computing: thought for the future  Electronic eye for blind man

7 Sample Projects Violating Human Dignity  TrapWire: is a 'counter-terrorism' technology company that produces a homonymous predictive software system designed to find patterns indicative of terrorism attackscounter-terrorismpredictive software  Cognitive Finger Printing : development of new software-based biometric modalities  Oxytocin Applications : Increasing trust and reducing fear

8 Confirmed keynote Speakers  Hashem Rafii-TabarHashem Rafii-Tabar - Professor, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences - Director, Department of Nano Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences - Deputy Director, Research Center for Medical Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering  Hossein Esteky Hossein Esteky - Head, School of Cognitive Scieneces, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - Professor, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences - Director, Research Center for Brain and Cognitive Sciences, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences  Jerome Clayton Glenn >>>> Speech Abstract Jerome Clayton GlennSpeech Abstract - Co-founder and director of The Millennium Project (on global futures research)  Alfred Nordmann Alfred Nordmann - Professor of Philosophy, Technische University Darmstadt - Visiting Centenary Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of South Carolina  Cees Dekker Cees Dekker - Distinguished University Professor, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands - Department Chair of the new Department of Bionanoscience, TU Delft. - Director, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft - Scientific director, 3TU Center of Excellence ‘Bionanoapplications’  Esper Abrao Cavalheiro >>>> Speech Abstract Esper Abrao Cavalheiro Speech Abstract - Professor, Department of Neurology/Neurosurgery, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil - Advisor to the President, Center for Strategic Management and Studies in Science, Technology and Innovation (CGEE), Brazil

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