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All rights Reserved Cengage/NGL/South-Western © 2016.

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1 All rights Reserved Cengage/NGL/South-Western © 2016

2 Chapter 10 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, and Counterfeiting By the end of this chapter you will be able to: 10.1 Explain how a sample of handwriting evidence is compared with an exemplar using both qualitative and quantitative characteristics Describe some of the limitations of handwriting analysis Identify a historical case of document fraud and explain how the fraudulent document(s) was/were created Describe recent developments in technology for use in handwriting analysis.

3 Chapter 10 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, and Counterfeiting By the end of this chapter you will be able to: 10.5 List and describe several ways in which businesses prevent check forgery Describe features of new paper currency that protect against counterfeiting Compare and contrast older paper currencies with new currencies, including those on plastic stock.

4 Chapter 10 Vocabulary counterfeiting currency document analysis
document expert exemplar forgery fraudulence questioned document

5 Introduction A questioned document is any document that has handwriting, a written mark, type, or any paper and ink with uncertain authenticity. checks wills passports drivers licenses currency letters and contracts suicide notes receipts

6 Early Forensic Handwriting Analysis
Every person's handwriting is unique. An exemplar of a person's handwriting can be used to determine authenticity. In 1999, the U.S. Court of Appeals determined that handwriting analysis qualified as a form of expert testimony.

7 Early Forensic Handwriting Analysis (continued)
Handwriting analysis of ransom notes pertaining to the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's son led to the conviction and execution of Richard "Bruno" Hauptmann.

8 Handwriting Characteristics
There are 12 characteristics that handwriting experts examine. These characteristics include: Letter form Line form Formatting



11 Handwriting Analysis Handwriting experts have ways of determining whether a person has tried to disguise his or her handwriting or to copy someone else's handwriting.

12 Technology of Handwriting Analysis
Infrared Spectroscope Biometric Signature Pads Computerized Analysis

13 Shortcomings of Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting analysis is ultimately subjective, relying on the expertise of the examiner. The Board of Forensic Document Examiners (BFDE) offers a training program in handwriting analysis.

14 Forgery Although banks hope to eventually eliminate checks, the below methods are currently in use by banks to prevent check forgery: Print checks on chemically sensitive paper. Use a large font size. Use high-resolution borders on the checks. Print checks in multiple color patterns. Embed fibers in checks that glow under different types of lights. Use chemical-wash detection systems that change color when a check is altered.

15 Literary Forgery

16 Literary Forgery (continued)

17 Counterfeiting Currency Fake name-brand products Coins Postage stamps



20 Counterfeit Currency Counterfeiting is a federal felony punishable with up to 15 years in prison. Methods in place to try to prevent counterfeiting include: Design features that make printing difficult Special paper Ongoing changes to the design of paper money

21 Detecting Counterfeit Currency
Counterfeit currency can often be detected because of the starch found in regular paper. Some counterfeiters actually bleach small bills to provide the correct paper for use. Some countries have begun producing plastic money to replace paper bills.


23 Summary Fraudulence, or fraud, is attempting to get financial or other gain from forgery. Handwriting analysis by document experts is the examination of questioned documents compared with exemplars to establish the authenticity and/or authorship of the documents.

24 Summary (continued) Document experts use their expertise along with scientific methods and technology to compare handwriting characteristics of a questioned document to those of an exemplar to help identify authors and detect any alterations, erasures, and obliterations. Handwriting analysis has always been an important tool, especially for forensic scientists. Handwriting experts help financial, legal, and governmental institutions, as well as the general public, detect and prevent forgery, counterfeiting, and other fraudulent crimes.

25 Summary (continued) Technological advances, such as biometric signature pads and the infrared spectroscope, have improved objectivity, increased quantitative analysis, and enhanced the detection of forged documents. Countries, including the United States, continue to refine methods to protect their currency from counterfeiters, changing designs and experimenting with different stocks.

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