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The ICE 3 Experiment Thanks to O. Botner (Neutrino-2004)

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1 The ICE 3 Experiment Thanks to O. Botner (Neutrino-2004)

2 2 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Acceleration up to 10 21 eV ? ~10 2 Joules ~0.01 M GUT Dense regions with exceptional gravitational force creating relativistic flows of charged particles, e.g. coalescing black holes/neutron stars dense cores of exploding stars supermassive black holes Ultra high energy ’s are associated with the sources of high energy cosmic rays p + p(  )     e, 

3 3 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Supernova Remnant in X-rays Shock fronts Fermi acceleration

4 4 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Fermi acceleration Jets Black Hole Accretion Disk Shock fronts Active Galactic Nucleus (Artist impression)

5 5 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 IceCube – a ”next generation” observatory kilometer-scale successor to AMANDADistance Lum n > Lum n > examples examples 4000 Mpc 10 47 erg/s AGN 4000 Mpc 10 52 erg/100s GRB 100 Mpc5 10 43 erg/sMarkarians 8 Kpc4 10 35 erg/s Pulsars, micro- quasars A 1 kilometer squared area is needed to see the potential energetic sources Candidates for 10 events/year/km² ( ~  )

6 6 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 ICE 3 Dark sector AMANDA Dome Skiway South Pole Planned Location 1 km “west” “North”

7 7 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 The ICE 3 detector 80 strings 17 m OM spacing 125 m between strings Geometry optimized for a detection range [TeV-PeV(EeV)] 160 frozen water tanks (2/string) Ice cylinder (2 m diameter; 0.9 m height) 2 OM’s each

8 8 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 AMANDA integration AMANDA now runs with TWR Data similar in structure to ICE 3 Work on a combined trigger AMANDA now runs with TWR Data similar in structure to ICE 3 Work on a combined trigger Position of 1 st ICE 3 strings As close to AMANDA as possible But … logistics and safety requirements Position of 1 st ICE 3 strings As close to AMANDA as possible But … logistics and safety requirements AMANDA Calib. device for 1 st ICE 3 strings + 20 ICE 3 strings = powerful combined detector Fully integrated low threshold subdetector of ICE 3 AMANDA Calib. device for 1 st ICE 3 strings + 20 ICE 3 strings = powerful combined detector Fully integrated low threshold subdetector of ICE 3

9 9 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 VETO against  All downward events E > 300 TeV with trajectories inside IceTop  Larger events falling outside CALIBRATION  of angular response with tagged µ Measure  Energy spectrum  Chemical composition Expect ~100 tagged air showers/day with multi-TeV µ’s in Ice 3 Muon survey of Ice 3 Energy range 10 15 eV - 10 18 eV IceTop+ICE 3 : 1/3 km².sr (for coincident tracks)

10 10 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 IceCube - Icetop coincidences Cosmic ray physics Large showers with E ~ 100-1000 PeV will clarify transition from galactic to extra-galactic cosmic rays Large showers with E ~ 100-1000 PeV will clarify transition from galactic to extra-galactic cosmic rays Showers triggering 4 stations give ~300 TeV threshold Showers triggering 4 stations give ~300 TeV threshold Small showers (2-10 TeV) associated with the dominant  background detected as 2-tank coincidences at a station. Small showers (2-10 TeV) associated with the dominant  background detected as 2-tank coincidences at a station.

11 11 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Local digitization : Time stamp Wave form Buffer Digital transmission to surface on request Optical sensor : 10 inch Hamamatsu R- 7081 mu metal cage PMT penetrator HV board flasher board DOM main board pressure sphere optical gel delay board Digital Optical Module (DOM) Local Controls : HV Discriminators Global synchronization Sampling at 300 MHz over 0.5 µs at 40 MHz over 5 µs Dynamic range 200 p.e./15 ns 2000 p.e./ 5µs

12 12 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 AMANDA system ICE 3 AMANDA ICE 3 Power consum. 2 MW 5 MW Time to 2400 m 120-140 h35-40 h Fuel (gal/hole) 10000-12000 7000-8000 Set-up time 5 – 6 weeks18-25 d AMANDA ICE 3 Power consum. 2 MW 5 MW Time to 2400 m 120-140 h35-40 h Fuel (gal/hole) 10000-12000 7000-8000 Set-up time 5 – 6 weeks18-25 d Goals  18 holes/season  2450 m deep  straight within 1m  quality logged Goals  18 holes/season  2450 m deep  straight within 1m  quality logged Enhanced hot water drill AMANDA (3-reel) and ICE 3 (1-reel) drill

13 13 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 ICE3 DAQ architecture 80 DOM hubs for the in ice devices 5 DOM hubs for ICETOP DOM hub : Industrial PC Dual 1 GHz PIII processor 2 GB memory 250 GB hard-drive dual 400W power supply for DOM’s

14 14 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 ICE 3 physics performance ICE 3 will be able to identify o  tracks from   for E > 10 11 eV o cascades from e for E > 10 13 eV o  for E > 10 15 eV Background mainly downgoing cosmic ray  ’s (+ time coinc.  ’s from uncorrelated air showers) exp. rate at trigger level ~1.7 kHz atm.  rate at trigger level ~300/day Rejected  using direction/energy/flavor id  temporal/spatial coincidence w. source for E < 1 PeV focus on the Northern sky for E > 1 PeV sensitive aperture increases w. energy  full sky observations possible E µ =10 TeV

15 15 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Galactic center  E -2  spectrum  After quality cuts and bgr suppression (atm µ reduction by ~10 6 ) Further improvement expected using waveform info Further improvement expected using waveform info Median angular reconstruction uncertainty ~ 0.8  Median angular reconstruction uncertainty ~ 0.8  ICE 3 effective area & angular resolution (µ)

16 16 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Objective (after removal of atm µ background):  Reject the steep energy spectrum of atm  Retain as much signal as possible from a (generic) E -2 spectrum Use optimized energy cutE µ  number of hit OM’s E µ = 6 PeV, 1000 hitsE µ = 10 TeV, 90 hits Diffuse  hard E µ cut E µ > 100 TeV Point sources  softer E µ cut + spatial correlation Diffuse µ flux & Point sources

17 17 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Assume generic flux dN/dE = 10 –7 E -2 (cm -2 s -1 sr -1 GeV) Expect ~ 10 3 events/year after atm µ rejection ~ 75 events/year after energy cut cf background 8 atm atm v signal Sensitivity (1 y): 8.1  10 -9 E -2 (cm -2 s -1 sr -1 GeV) blue: after atm µ rejection red: after E µ cut Diffuse µ flux

18 18 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Search cone 1  opening half- angle + ”soft” energy cut (< 1 TeV) Essentially background-free search : Energy, spatial and temporal correlation with independent observation For ~1000 GRB’s observed/year expect (looking in Northern sky only)  Signal: 12  Background (atm ): 0.1 Sensitivity GRB (1 y): ~0.2 f WB Sensitivity point sources (1 y): 5.5  10 -9 E -2 (cm -2 s -1 GeV) Steady point sources Transient point sources – ex GRB

19 19 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02  ~10% in log(E/TeV) IceTop veto on cosmics IceTop veto on cosmics C.O.G. inside array C.O.G. inside array  sensitivity to all flavors  4  coverage Cascades ~300m   “double bang” E = 1PeV E << 1 PeV 2 cascades coincide E  1 PeV ”double bang” E >> 1 PeV ”lollipop” (partial containment, reconstruct  track + 1 cascade) E = 375 TeV e  e L cascade ~10 m small cf sensor spacing  ”spherical” energy deposition  at 1 PeV, Ø cascade ~ 500 m For diffuse flux expect similar sensitivity in the cascade channel as in the muon channel  Considerable improvement of overall sensitivity

20 20 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 astro-ph/0401113 (Lundberg/Edsjö) WIMP orbits in the solar system perturbed Direct and indirect searches might not be directly comparable  Past/present history of solar syst.  Low/high energy tail of  vel. distr. Sun Neutralino dark matter Rates from the Earth affected Rates from the Sun less affected

21 21 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02  Many reviews – international and within the U.S. - strongly emphasize the exciting science which can be performed with ICE 3  In Jan 2004, the U.S. Congress approved the NSF budget including the full ICE 3 MRE  Significant funding approved also in Belgium, Germany and Sweden  In Feb 2004, NSF conducted a baseline review  “go ahead”  However … revised baseline preserving original scientific goals preserving current detector design straightforward upgrade path ICE 3 stringsIceTop tanks 48Jan 2005 1632Jan 2006 3264Jan 2007 50100Jan 2008 68136Jan 2009 70+n140+2n Jan 2010 Status of ICE 3

22 22 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 1 st challenge – successful deployment of strings 2004/2005 ICE 3 is for real ! - and moving ahead at full speed AMANDA experience provides for huge benefits - both logistics-wise and for simulations/reconstruction ICE 3 is expected to be  Considerably more sensitive than AMANDA  Provide new opportunities for discovery  With IceTop – a unique tool for cosmic ray physics  Data taking during construction  First data augment AMANDA data  Later AMANDA an integral part of ICE 3 Decision on total number of strings summer 2006 Summary

23 23 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 Transmission of µ through the earth TeV: use upward going muons PeV: use horizontal events EeV: use events from above AMANDA-II

24 24 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02  Drill development on schedule for operation at Pole in Jan 2005  Instrumentation  Production for the 4 string first season starts this summer  50% PMTs delivered – on schedule  3 DOM production sites  Wisconsin 290 1 st season  DESY 60 1 st season  Sweden 50 1 st season  Spheres ordered – 40 K depleted Benthos (dark noise ~0.8 kHz)  DOM mainboard – designed @ LBNLtests OK  DAQ S/W developed  Data transfer DOM  DOM Hub  Data Collection prog tested  Implementation for first season’s DAQ  Cables – Ericsson, Sweden / JDR, Netherlands  Preparing for analysis of early data (calibration, testing)  4 DOM’s are collecting IceTop data using test s/w Status of ICE 3

25 25 D. Bertrand IAP meeting 2004/12/02 View of DOMs IceTop tank with hood at the South Pole – Nov 2003

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