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Outputs from the WSM WDMs PLTGENs.out files Phase5 postprocessors.

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1 Outputs from the WSM WDMs PLTGENs.out files Phase5 postprocessors

2 Data Structure./config/catalog/Iovars/ Perlnd, implnd, rchres_out_?x Tell lug and rug what HSPF variables to store in WDMs./config/catalog/Iovars/ Land_to_water Tells etm and postprocessor how to translate between land and river./config/catalog/Iovars/ Data_dsns, rchres_in Tell lug and rug what WDM variables to use as inputs./config/catalog/Iovars/ Rchres_out_to_load Rchres_out_to_conc River_to_wqm57k Tell p5 postprocessor what output to create

3 WDMs Good if you need a single time series and need hourly output Access through WDMUtil or code modified from./code/src/postproc/river/ or./code/src/etm/etm_and_postproc Catalog in./config/catalog/iovars/p532/ – perlndimplnd – rchres_inrchres_out_3x./tmp/wdm/

4 PLTGENs Good for getting HSPF variables for lots of segments at once Good for getting HSPF variables that are not stored in WDMs 1 file = 1 variable from one lu-lseg or rseg Hourly to annual time steps Call in control file – see manual page 28 Summarize using grep or code in./code/src/postproc/pltgen and./code/src/postproc/postutils/sumplt

5 .out files Good for getting diagnostic fluxes that are not stored in a WDM Alternative to pltgen Inconvenient format – require code to read, but easily modified./code/src/calibration_utils/read_dot_out_file

6 P5 postprocessors Run from inside run_postproc.csh, run_etm_and_land_and_dat.csh or similar scripts WQM postprocessor Dependencies – EOF has no precursors and does not feed into anything else – EOS + DAT + river => TFS => DFS => DEL

7 Automation vs Flexibilty Both systems must exist Automation is desirable for running scenarios – P5 postprocessors are in this category Flexibility is necessary for calibration testing – WDMs, PTLGENs, and.out in this category Partnership requests require both Still doing both, but moving into calibration

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