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EQuest Modeling Building Energy Systems Session 4: Building energy and modeling overview.

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Presentation on theme: "EQuest Modeling Building Energy Systems Session 4: Building energy and modeling overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 eQuest Modeling Building Energy Systems Session 4: Building energy and modeling overview

2 Topics covered in this class session: Why do buildings use the energy they do? Building types by energy use patterns Interaction of building energy systems Overview of energy modeling

3 What energy needs are addressed in buildings? Fundamental human needs not addressed by nature inside buildings Comfortable indoor temperature Fresh indoor air Adequate light levels Energy for running equipment and tools Indoor climate requirements to keep equipment in optimal operation

4 Heating, cooling and ventilation energy Three types of buildings Climate or envelope-dominated buildings Removing or adding heat to overcome outdoor climate conditions Internal load-dominated buildings Removing heat generated by people or equipment indoors Ventilation load-dominated buildings Exhaust and make-up air

5 Other energy uses in buildings Lighting Plug load (office equipment) Refrigeration Humidity control Water pumping Specialized equipment (computer servers, kitchen equipment, medical equipment, etc.)

6 Interaction of energy systems HVAC and building envelope HVAC and lighting systems Lighting systems and daylighting HVAC and equipment plugload The role of EMS and systems synergies

7 Energy Modeling Overview What is energy modeling and why do we need it? A little history of computer simulation of building energy systems What are the strengths and weaknesses of energy modeling?

8 Energy Modeling Overview (continued) The importance of building the baseline The model is as good as the data The role of assumptions in modeling Quality control and model reliability Potential for errors in computer simulation

9 Energy Modeling Overview (continued) General modeling strategies The role of the energy modeler Balancing input detail with critical analysis Sources of model discrepancies

10 Instructional Demonstration Instructor to demonstrate opening eQuest and navigate through the drop-downs – You cant break it, students can get in themselves from anywhere eQuest has a default building loaded for use, so you don’t need a building to get started

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