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Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #3. Schism Permanent split.

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Presentation on theme: "Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #3. Schism Permanent split."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #3

2 Schism Permanent split

3 Secular Having to do with worldly rather than religious matters

4 Serf In medieval Europe, peasant bound to the lord’s land

5 Suffrage The right to vote

6 Technology Tools and skills people use to meet their basic needs

7 Terrace A flat area of land on a steep hillside

8 Terrorism The deliberate use of unpredictable violence, especially against civilians to gain revenge or achieve political goals

9 Torah The most sacred scriptures of Judaism

10 Untouchables Within the ancient caste system, outcasts who lived harsh lives

11 Urbanization The rise of and movement of people to cities

12 Westernization The process of adopting western ways (Western European / North American)

13 Zionism Movement dedicated to building a Jewish state in Palestine

14 Absolutism Political system in which autocratic rulers have complete authority over the government and the lives of the people in their nation

15 Agribusiness Large commercial farm owned by a multinational corporation

16 Apartheid South African government policy calling for the separation of the races

17 Bible The sacred scriptures of Christianity

18 Bureaucracy System of managing government through departments run by appointed officials

19 Bushido Code of conduct for samurai during the feudal period in Japan

20 Capitalism Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit

21 Communism Economic system in which the means of production are owned by the government for the benefit of all the people

22 Vocabulary Quiz #3 TBA

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