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Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #4. Chivalry The code of conduct followed by knights during the Middle Ages.

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Presentation on theme: "Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #4. Chivalry The code of conduct followed by knights during the Middle Ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global History & Geography Vocabulary List #4

2 Chivalry The code of conduct followed by knights during the Middle Ages

3 Civilization Community characterized by elements such as a system of writing, development of social classes and cities

4 Collective Large farm owned and operated by workers as a group

5 Conservatism Set of beliefs held by those who want to preserve traditional ways

6 Containment Cold War policy that involved limiting communism to areas already under Soviet control

7 Coup d’etat A revolt by a small group intended to overthrow a government

8 Cuneiform Writing of ancient Mesopotamia

9 Desert Dry barren land

10 Diaspora A scattering of people, as when the Jewish people were forced to leave their homeland in Palestine

11 Dictator Leader with total power and control

12 Dynasty Ruling family

13 Enclosure Process of taking over and fencing off land once shared by peasant farmers

14 Excommunicate To exclude from the Roman Catholic Church as penalty for refusing to obey church laws

15 Fascism The rule of a people by a dictatorial government that is nationalistic and imperialistic

16 Feudalism Social, political and economic system where land and protection is exchanged for service and loyalty

17 Gentry Wealthy landowning class

18 Glasnost “Openness”, relaxation of censorship in the Soviet Union under Gorbachev

19 Gothic Style of European architecture characterized by pointed arches and flying buttresses

20 Guild A type of trade association of merchants or artisans that was active in the middle ages

21 Haiku Form of Japanese poetry that expresses a feeling, thought, or idea in three lines typically about nature

22 Vocabulary Quiz #4 TBA

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