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Action Research Project Written By Mayra Zendejas March 25, 2014.

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1 Action Research Project Written By Mayra Zendejas March 25, 2014

2 In the fall of 2009, 4 million students across the country entered the ninth grade, four years later, a third of these students have dropped out of school before attaining a diploma. (Bowen, 2009).

3 The Pew Hispanic Center report found that 41% of Hispanic adults age 20 and older in the United States do not have a regular high school diploma, compared with 23% of black adults and 14% of white adults. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost 20% of Latino males dropped out of high school in 2008, the highest among any demographic in the country. Latinos make up 38 % of California’s population however, only 11 % of Latino adults have earned at least a bachelor’s degree compared to 39% for Whites..

4 What is the true extent of the dropout problem at the specific school site I am student teaching especially in comparison to other high schools across the country? What are the specific reasons why low- income and minority students are not graduating from high school and/or not entering college? What are specific programs, strategies, and ideas that students, parents, and educators can use in order to prevent students from dropping out and from not entering college?

5 “The “status dropout rate” represents the percentage of 16-through-24-year olds who are not enrolled in school and have not earned a high school credential (either a diploma or an equivalency credential such a GED certificate).”

6 Bowen, Gary L. (2009). Preventing School Dropout: The Eco-Interactional Development Model of School Success. The Prevention Researcher. 16(3). 3-8. Irizarry, Jason G. (2012). Los Caminos: Latino/a Youth Forging Pathways in pursuit of Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. 11. 291-307. Gandara, Patricia. (2010). The Latino Education Crisis. Educational Leadership. 24-30. Gonzalez, Laura M. (2012). College Level Choice of Latino High School Students: A Social-Cognitive Approach. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 40. 144-168. Ward, Nadia L. (2006). Improving Equity and Access for Low-Income and Minority Youth Into Institutions of Higher Education. Urban Education. 41. 50-68.

7 High School Dropout Statistics (US): Total number of high school dropouts annually 3,030,000 Number of high school students who drop out each day 8,300 Percent of Americans with a high school diploma 85.3 % Percent of all drop outs that happen in the ninth-grade 36 % Percent of students who repeat the ninth-grade that go on to graduate 15 % Percent of US crimes that committed by a high school dropout 75 % Amount of money a high school graduate will earn more than a drop out $260,000 Percentage of Hispanic dropouts that were due to a pregnancy 41 % Percent of US jobs a high school dropout is not eligible for 90 %





12 Hawthorne High School Location: Hawthorne, California Centinela Valley Union High School District Total Enrollment: 1,947 Latino Student Enrollment: 77% Dropout rate: 5.8% Total number of teachers: 115 Teachers with full credentials: 75 Teachers with emergency credentials: 39 Teachers with waivers: 4 Counselors: 6 Grade 12 enrollment: 637 Percentage of grade 12 enrollment taking the SAT: 28.89% Beginning teacher salary: $31369 Mid-range teacher salary: $50596 Highest teacher salary: $64259 Average principal salary: $92,088 Superintendent salary: $600,000+

13 Teachers Administration Principal Vice principals English Language Learner Development Director Counselors Parents Students

14 Student observations Questionnaire Discussions Interviews Surveys Focus groups

15 What grade are you in? 9 th (50%)10 th (32%)11 th (17%)12 th (0.01%) What is your age 15 (70%)16 (20%)17 (10%)18 (0%) Are you a male or female? Male (57%)Female (42%) How many people do you know that have dropped out of school? None (40%)1 (10%)2 (7%) More than 4 (25%) Are you applying to college? Yes (79%)No (15%)Don’t know (6%)

16 What time are school are you applying to? Community College (6%) Cal State (21%)UC (32%) Not applying (7%) How many people in your family have graduated from HS? None (13%)1-2 (13%)3-4 (14%) More than 5 (60%) How many people in your family have gone to college? None (15%) 1-2 (15%)3-4 (15%) More than 5 (55%) How many people in your family have graduated from college? None (42%) 1-2 (56%)3-4 (2%) More than 5 (0%) How many hours a night do you spend doing homework? 1 (50%)2 (32%)3(17%) More than 4 (0%) What is your GPA? 1.0-1.9 (27%)2.0-2.9 (58%)3.0-3.9 (15%) Are your parents supportive? Yes (88%)No (12%)Sort of (0%) Are your teachers supportive ? Yes (38%)No (23%)Sort of (54%)

17 Among the top answers to why students believed their friends or family members dropped out are: family problems, pregnancy, bad grades, no hope of raising grades/making up credits, bored in school, to get a job and help parents/family, too much work, didn ’ t like/care about school, just gave up, and drugs/gang problems. Are your counselors helpful? Yes (10%)No (88%)Sort of (2%) Do you like school? Yes (8%)No (30%) Sometimes (62%)

18 Parent/Teacher Relationships Parental Involvement Teacher Training and Development After-School Programs Support Groups, clubs, programs Alternative Education Programs At-Risk Youth Support Career Center School Counselors Peer Mediator Guest Speakers




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