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MDL & CIE Strategy MDL & CIE Strategy Technical Team Javier Gonzales Iwanciw Coordinador del Equipo de Estrategia Embajada del REINO DE LOS PAÍSES BAJOS.

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1 MDL & CIE Strategy MDL & CIE Strategy Technical Team Javier Gonzales Iwanciw Coordinador del Equipo de Estrategia Embajada del REINO DE LOS PAÍSES BAJOS La Paz, 11 November 2003

2 Structure of MDL & CIE Strategy Team presentation 1.National Workshop Objetives 2.Background and Progress 3.National Circumstances 4.Skills Analysis 5.Energy Sector Potentials 6.Land Use Change Sector Potentials 7.MDL & CIE Strategy Team Ideas related to mechanisms

3 To Socialise Strategy Progress To Share Strategy point of view and conceptual framework To Orient the Strategy To Define strategic features –Land Use Change –Energy –Capacity Building and communication National Workshop Objectives

4 BACKGROUND Bolivia has a National Strategy Study (NSS) for CDM financed by World Bank and SECO MDL & CIE Strategy not yet defined –Strategy project has financial supporting by RISØ – PNUMA –Additional support from Institutional Strengthening Project

5 PROGRESS (Sep 2003 up to now) Methodology, for Strategy designing, has been defined A particular vision was defined and it was consulted in Ministry level Progress were done in clarifying the orientation of the Strategy and a proposal for a conceptual framework was elaborated Participation and consulting mechanism was thaught and desing

6 Context Analysis Conceptual Framework VISION Strategic Planning Methodology

7 DIAGNOSIS * Strategy Conceptual Framework Participation and Consulting Mechanisms MDL & CIE Strategy elaboration Methodology

8 VISION Sustainable Development Effective Participation in the Market Bennefits Distribution

9 Conceptual Framework Elements Projects Packages Approach + Aisle Projects Approach Learning by Doing at Local Level Synergies with CC Adaptation Go against information asymmetries and try to develop a “market intelligence” Public – private alliances

10 Consulting Process Principles (SISPLAN Proceeding Norms) Participating Process Stakeholders Involvement Consulting process in different decision levels

11 CICC Technical Team ENCUESTAS C ommittees SECTORAL WORKSHOPS Experts and Networks: Generating Base Working Document departing from public consultation and revision DEPARTMENTAL AND NATIONAL WORKSHOPS National Governmental and Civil Society Representatives Orienting and Approving MDL & CEI National Strategy Orienting and Implementing MDL & CIEStrategy at national and subnational level LevelsFunction Instruments MEETINGS WITH EXPERTS PARTICIPATION MECHANISM

12 Diagnosis Spheres* Potential in LULUCF sector Potential in Energy sector National Circumstances Existing Capacities

13 GHG Emission Reduction Potentials GHG Emission Reduction Potentials in Energy Sector Efficiency in Supply Side Efficiency in Demand Side Fuel Substitution Renewable Energies GHG Emission Reduction Potentials in LULUCF Sector Conservation (No Kyoto) Sequestration Forestry and reforestation BASELINE SITUATION Andean Forestry Programme Biomass Programme

14 Skills Analysis Institutional Skills  Based in project cycle Installed Capacity (capacity of risk assumption, knowledge of technology, local stakeholders and institutional arrangements)

15 CONDITIONS Juridical Security –Project of Law to bring Institutional Framework and Regulatory Framework for ODL and CDM. –Project management and presentation proceedings –Benefit distribution –Other aspects regarding Juridical Security as, for example, land sanitation, investments law, incentives, etc. Information –Clearing house –Guidelines for Project formulation and approval

16 Technical Team for MDL & CIE Strategy Sergio Jauregui, Supervisor Javier Gonzales, Coordinator Gonzalo Mérida, Consultant Forestry sector Ramiro Trujillo, Consultant Energy sector Natalia Lorini, Consultant Capacity Eduardo Gabriel–Arana, Legal Advisor Gretzel Brosovich, Legal Consultant Alejandra Perez, Portfolio Consultant Maria Sol Bagur, ODL Communication Responsible National Programme for Climate Change Technical Team

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