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THE FUTURE OF TOURISM.  In developing economies (Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, Brazil) many tourism services will market the need of mass tourism.  In developped.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FUTURE OF TOURISM.  In developing economies (Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, Brazil) many tourism services will market the need of mass tourism.  In developped."— Presentation transcript:


2  In developing economies (Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, Brazil) many tourism services will market the need of mass tourism.  In developped economies (USA, Canada, Germany) we will continue to see mass-market tourism, but a “sophisticated travaler” market will increase.  China and India will become the top two countries for outbound tourism. THE SHAPE OF COMİNG TOURİSM MARKETS

3 INDEPENDENT SOURCES OF INFORMATION …WILL BECOME INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT IN THE TOURIST DECISION PROCESS is visited by over 10 million travellers across 150 countries every week ( Tourism Australia statistics) is visited by over 10 million travellers across 150 countries every week ( Tourism Australia statistics) One in every ten travellers checks a hotel on this websiteOne in every ten travellers checks a hotel on this website http://www. Lonelyplanet now host onlnine travel communities, travel blogs and podcasts, photo galleries and so forthLonelyplanet now host onlnine travel communities, travel blogs and podcasts, photo galleries and so forth

4  Explosion in the number of senior citizen  Many will have already traveled throughout their countries and in foreign countries  They are highly interested in vacation that include: 1. Healthy Food 2. Exercise 3. Intellectual stimulation 4. Great outdoor activities and “doing” instead of just seeing attractions INCREASİNG SİZE OF THE MATURE TRAVELER SEGMENT

5  They want to travel with their children and grandchildren  They want to stay in resorts, all-suite hotels, cruises and second homes  Many of these second homes communities will offer assisted-living services INCREASİNG SİZE OF THE MATURE TRAVELER SEGMENT

6  Singles spend more on themselves than those living with others  Number of singles will increase and the future looks bright forthe leisure market  Single travelers come in all shapes and size. In order to meet their social needs the internet and travel agencies will make possible for single traveler to find a travel companion. INCREASİNG SİZE OF SİNGLE TRAVELER

7 GROWTH IN HOLIDAY WITH PETS Increasing demand for pet – friendly holiday packages

8 GROWTH OF HALAL TOURISM More demands for travel where halal food, calls for prayer, Korans in hotels and aircraft sat pockets, women-only hotels

9  The focus will be on development of winter sports resorts not limiting the market to skiing and snowboarders, but also on winter theme parks that offer plenty to do for the expanding non-skier market  Winter resorts will expand their entertainment and sport offerings during the other three seasons  There will be a need to look at the mountain as a year-round tourism resource and add desirable alternative WİNTER TOURİSM

10  Current trends support the possibility of a decraese or increase of business travelers  Improvement in communication, in computer networking, satellite video image transmission, virtual conferencing could slow down the rate in business travel  More and more companies will be doing business with firms accross the world. The need for face to face meetings to build trustable relationship will increase BUSİNESS TRAVELERS

11  The future will see an increase of Medical tourism, low cost cosmetic surgery, dentistry  Space Tourism  “Slow tourism” will develop to escape the “accelerated life” of the 21st century, spas and rural destinations NEW FORMS OF TOURİSM

12  Airlines passsenger will continue increase  Low cost airline companie will continue to develop  Development of airline alliances to gain greater brand recognition THE FUTURE OF AİRLİNES

13  Communication technologies will make internal ordering and inventory more efficient through the use of wireless headsets (dining room, housekeeping, reception)  “smart rooms” will be created to be cleaned by robot technology  Recycling product will be used to both save the earth’s resources and, reduce costs ACCELERATİNG TECHNOLOGİCAL ADVANCES

14  Increasing security and safety: cameras, micro chips ticket scanning ( paperless), body scan, finger print database...  Increase in size and speed of aircraft  Automobile will be more efficient, “smart highway” will provide hand free driving  High speed rail travel + Internet ACCELERATİNG TECHNOLOGİCAL ADVANCES

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