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Department of Communal Hygiene and Labour Hygiene Lecture of Communal Hygiene for 4- year students THEME :Hygienic norms of drinking water. Lector – Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Communal Hygiene and Labour Hygiene Lecture of Communal Hygiene for 4- year students THEME :Hygienic norms of drinking water. Lector – Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Communal Hygiene and Labour Hygiene Lecture of Communal Hygiene for 4- year students THEME :Hygienic norms of drinking water. Lector – Professor Iskandarova G T

2 Fulfillment of the requirements is achieved by the non-performance of drinking water quality standards and verified by the results of controls carried out in accordance with the procedures authorized by the application.



5 additional indicators (alkalinity, electrical conductivity, etc.), allowing timely adjustments manufacturing operations; - Adjust the cost of reagents with the mandatory provision of the required completeness of cleaning and disinfection; - And the compliance of drinking water established hygienic requirements. Teaching control which of working process:

6   Biotesting drinking water toxicity index for ciliates or Daphnia after dechlorination should not exceed a value of 50% expressed as a ratio: Where Hk - value test - reaction to the control sample; But - the value of the test - the reaction to the test sample;

7 formula: Where C1-C2-C - concentration of specific chemical compounds 1 and 2 classes of danger

8 central (core) laboratory companies water, certified (accredited) established procedures for their competence.

9 . For special analyzes, the implementation of which requires the use of sophisticated equipment, training and special measures to protect personnel, may be involved on a contractual basis laboratory testing facilities and scientific organizations accredited to their competence, and during the arbitration and certification tests - also for independence. Monitoring the quality of drinking water in order to fulfill the functions of state supervision conducted by a laboratory of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gossanepidnadzora

10 For special analyzes, the implementation of which requires:


12 Water quality monitoring and assessment of its compliance with the requirements? Shall take place at the water intake of the water sources before? Enters the distribution network tap and distributed? Tional network.

13 Penstocks in front of the distributed network and distribution water supply system installed in agreement with the Sanitary Inspection of the republic. The number of sampling points for water and their location on : -intakes; In tanks of clean water;

14 Most simply defined physical - chemical parameters. Depending on the content performed in the control of water quality analyzes establish the following types of control -Condensed control, including the definition of basic bacteriological parameters (total bacterial count, if the index of) -organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste, color, turbidity)

15 Quality control of drinking water before it enters the? Distribution network is carried out in accordance with the recommendations by type, content and frequency of analyzes. Monitoring the quality of drinking water in the distribution network is carried out in terms of reduced control.

16 Additional control in terms of the overall physical and chemical control, and special types of control carried out on the orders of SSES or on the initiative of the enterprise supply if there are grounds for such control (complaints about the poor state of health of the population, poor water supply, water outages, etc.. ).

17 The frequency and types of analyzes of water samples conducted by the Sanitary Inspection of the republic, governed by special plans and schedules for monitoring the quality of drinking water, approved in the prescribed manner by special instructions of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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