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1# Mini Project Perspective.. In class, group work out of class.. All camera, no photoshopin.

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1 1# Mini Project Perspective.. In class, group work out of class.. All camera, no photoshopin

2 Perspective, point of view What you see, where you stand How you DECIDE to capture something 3d and squash it into a flat surface

3 Cameras translate living moving stuff into small flat photos Every picture, from the portrait on a driver’s license to a war photograph in a newspaper, describes a particular point of view. Some points of view are more interesting than others. The acts of deciding where to stand,what to frame, and when to press the shutter button can make or break a photo

4 We see the world from about 3 feet to 6 feet off the ground. Most images we make and see are made within that normal range of human vision. In this project you are going to make pictures from extreme points of view—ways of seeing that fall outside our normal ways of looking at the world

5 EXTREEEEMe Points of View

6 First part of Assignment: Individual Do NOT Take a photo from a normal “human” point of view. 2 photos of each (1 at school and one at home) 1.Extreme angles 2.Looking down 3.Looking through things 4.Reflective surfaces 5.Bird’s-eye view 6.Worm’s-eye view 7.Looking into/through

7 REMEMBER It’s not enough to just make random pictures at weird angles. Choose subjects that are interesting and dramatic. The key is to make pictures that are expressive and well composed.

8 Part 2: Group: Forced Perspective Work together to create 10 (10!!!) different successful photos showing forced perspective. Take turns operating the shutter and posing. Make these interesting, consider props, location, action, narrative/story,etc

9 All Camera tricks, no photoshopin











20 Remember, you need to create 10 different SUCCESSFUL photos showing forced perspective. No blurry boring junk. Not acceptable. You will most likely shoot, review on the computer, and then have to reshoot and make adjustments.

21 Warning! This is a DECEPTIVELY simple shooting assignment, if you want a good grade, you cannot shoot these photos in a matter of minutes. You have to search for interesting subject matter. I will not accept boring junk.

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