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The Brain Divided into two hemispheres: the left and right hemispheres

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1 The Brain Divided into two hemispheres: the left and right hemispheres
The hemispheres are connected by bundle of nerve fibers: the corpus callosum Front Left hemi Right hemi Corpus callosum

2 The Brain Contralateral control: Each hemisphere controls opposite side of body => Dichotic listening => Split-brain patients

3 Left hemisphere Front Broca’s area Wernicke’s area

4 Broca’s aphasia Labored, halting speech
Lack of inflections and function morphemes Comprehension is generally good

5 Broca’s Aphasia Difficulty producing speech sounds
It’s hard to eat with a spoon. […hɑr it … wɪt … pun]

6 Difficulty with grammatical comprehension
=> Agrammatism Both accepted by Broca’s aphasics The boy ate it up. *The boy ate up it.

7 The mouse was chased by the cat.
=> Can interpret (help from real world knowledge?) The dog was chased by the cat. => Difficulty interpreting

8 Wernicke’s aphasia Speech is fluent (i.e., can use function words, inflections) but semantically incoherent Lexical errors, nonsense words Comprehension is poor

9 E: How are you? P: Yes. E: Can you tell me what your name is? P: No, I don’t I…right I’m right now here. E: What is your address? P: I could if I can help these this like you know.

10 Circumlocutions what you drink (for ‘water’)
what we smell with (for ‘nose’)

11 (trying to name a ‘knife’):
“That’s a resh. Sometimes I get one around here that I can cut a couple of regs. There’s no rugs around here and nothing cut right. But that’s a rug, and I had some nice rekebz. I wish I had one now. Say how Wishi idaw, uh windy, look how windy. It’s really window, isn’t it?”

12 Slips of the Tongue Provide evidence for the psychological reality of linguistics units and relations. phone, features, morphemes, phonotactic constraints, words

13 “Spoonerisms” You have hissed all my mystery lessons. [h] [m]
(‘You have missed all my history lessons.’) [m] [h] Noble tons of soil. [t] [s] (‘Noble sons of toil.’) [s] [t]

14 Segments, Onsets You have tasted the whole worm. [t] [w]
(‘You have wasted the whole term.’) [w] [t] the queer old dean [kw] [d] (‘the dear old queen’) [d] [kw]

15 Features glear plue sky [g] [p] (‘clear blue sky’) [k] [b] pig and vat
[p] [v] big and fat [b] [f]

16 Natural Classes My brain [drain] is clogged. [b] [d]
a religious profession [procession] [f] [s] transcendental medication [meditation] [k] [t]

17 Phonotactic Constraints
Freudian slip => fleudian shrip [fl] [ʃɹ] (not [sɹ])

18 Inflectional Affixes He go backs. (‘He goes back.’) They point outed.
(‘They pointed out.’) Whe wash upped the dishes. (‘She washed up the dishes.’) I’d forgot abouten doing that. (‘I’d forgotten about doing that.’)

19 Inflectional affixes are added during speech.
Derivation affixes are stored with their stems. => Errors involve blending and not substituting affixes.

20 Blends It’s quite ebvious [‘evident’ & ‘obvious’].
Don’t’ frowl [‘frown’ & ‘scowl’]. Not in the sleast [‘slightest’ & ‘least’]. My buggage [‘baggage’ & ‘luggage’] is too heavy. She chuttled [‘chuckle’ & ‘chortle’] at the news. My data consists moanly…maistly…. [‘mostly’ & ‘mainly’]

21 Derivational affixes I don’t expose anyone will eat that.
=> ‘expect’ & ‘suppose’ At the moment of compact…. => ‘collision’ & ‘impact’

22 Words My thesis is too long [short]. before the place opens [closes]
=> Antonyms I thought westerns were where people ride horses instead of cows [cars].

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