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NIED UPDATE Mancon 4, S. 2014 16-19 December 2014 1.

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1 NIED UPDATE Mancon 4, S. 2014 16-19 December 2014 1

2 1. PGN Training for Barangays Accomplishment for 2011-2013 targets – 6,285 out of 6,634 barangays (95%) – 25,051 out of 26,536 participants (94%) – 894 out of 866 batches (97%) All target provinces with 98-100% or more accomplishment except for provinces in region 3 Action requested: Region 4A obligated funds for Cavite Region 3 to complete liquidation so that it can implement the training in 2015 for 2014 targets and complete inventory of training matls from 2013 2

3 1. PGN Training for Barangays Accomplishment for 2014 targets as of 12 December 2014: 1,998 out of 2,858 barangays (70%) 7,909 out of 11,432 participants (69%) 305 out of 381 batches (80%) Funds for PGN barangay-level trainings were released except for region 3 with remaining unliquidated cash advance 3

4 PGN Training Action requested: – Regions 1, 2, CAR, 4A, 6, 7 and 10 to complete training targets by end of December 2014 (only CAR not done but to obligate and return unused funds by 29 December) – All regions to submit acknowledgement receipts of recipients of PGN training materials including those materials given prior to 2014 as per audit requirement by 29 December 2014 4

5 PGN Training Status of delivery of PGN training materials as of 12 December – CO procurement of Pabasa sa Nutrisyon kits and IYCF CC done; on-going for Guide Mobcom due 3 this week) – On-going procurement of egg syllabus for region 7 – On-going procurement of vegetable syllabus for region 4A, 7 and 11 – On-going procurement of IYCF CC and MobCom for region 4A and 7 Approved request for use of balance for reprinting for regions 1, 2, 3 and 10; region 7 to also request 5

6 2. PGN Training in ARMM Php 11,014,000 was released in 2013 for 3 rd tranche payment per MOA 98% liquidation with a balance of Php10,752,129 (validate) Funds for IYCF model barangays, NPM and BNS trainings were released in the amount of Php721,000 Recommend program review for PGN in 2015 Action requested: Submit docu reports Full liquidation of cash advance Targets for 2015 6

7 4. PGN Training Monitoring 7 All regions with fund release conducted PGN monitoring except regions 3, 5, 8, 11 and ARMM Only regions 2 and 9 submitted PGN training monitoring reports Action requested: Regions that have conducted and completed PGN monitoring to submit reports (except regions 2 and 9); validate CAR

8 6. Training for model IYCF barangays All regions, except CAR and 4A, reached 100% and above of target for 2014 No fund request from region 5 and 8 but with accomplishments No report from ARMM but with fund release Action requested: – CAR and CALABARZON to complete targets and ARMM to submit report – All regions except 2, 9 and 11 to submit docu report 8

9 6. Training for model barangays Action requested: – All regions to monitor and assist the barangays for them to be able to implement follow- through actions for them to become model barangays to serve as showcase within the province  ensure IYCF support groups are organized and functional  enactment of local ordinances supportive of IYCF  ensure compliance to Milk Code  establishment of lactation stations 9

10 7. Orientation on IYCF MobCom Accomplishment as of 30 Nov for 2013 target – 960 out of 575 cities/muns (96%) – 2342 out of 2,169 participants (108%) – 91 out of 89 batches (102%)

11 8. Training on NPM and BNS All regions conducted the trainings Training accomplishment report submitted by regions except 6 and 11 Regions 4a, 4b, 6, 7, 11 and 12 requested for national trainers ARMM requested for trainer but request received late, no trainer was provided

12 Docu reports NPM/ BNS Regions with 2014 training documentation report submitted: –NPM – 2, 3, CARAGA –BNS – 2, 3, CARAGA Regions with no 2013 training documentation reports –NPM (2014)– 4A, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 8 and CARAGA –BNS (2014) – 3, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 8 and CARAGA

13 Manuals Reprinted Manual on NPM and Trainer’s Manual on the Basic Course for BNS delivered to ROs on 24 October 2014 (IHNF-UPLB project) Advisory on the delivery and guidelines on the distribution of manuals sent through nncsikat yahoogroups on 24 October Distribution list of the two manuals sent also via email as reference

14 Actions requested from ROs Deadline ROs without training documentation reports for 2013 Submit by 29 December All ROs to submit 2014 NPM and BNS training documentation reports (except 2, 3 and CARAGA) 29 December Regions 6 and 11 to submit training accomplishment report 29 December ROs to submit acknowledgement receipts of manuals received 30 December

15 9. ToT on NiEm Two batches of Training of Trainers held on 8- 12 September and 29 September-3 October 2014 in Baguio City A total of 63 participants (31 participants in Batch 1 and 32 participants in Batch 2) attended the training, composed of NPCs, NOs III and selected NOs II, members of the regional nutrition cluster and selected UNICEF staff from regions 6, 8 and 9; CO staff 15

16 9. ToT on NiEm UNICEF provided technical and financial support Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) from Bangkok, Thailand provided a course director and an expert trainer as planned NNC shared the revised PowerPoint presentations used in the TOT with the Health Emergency Management Bureau 16

17 10. Nutrition Month 2013 NM Docu report – regions 5, 8, 11 to submit No memo from reg 8 received re lost soft copy of docu report 2014 NM Docu report with submission– 4A, ARMM, CARAGA, 2, NCR

18 12. Nutriskwela areas for Phase 4 Region I- Cervantes, Ilocos Sur CAR- Luna, Apayao MIMAROPA – Buenavista, Marinduque Region V- Cataingan, Masbate Region VII- Tuburan, Cebu Region VIII- Palompon, Leyte Region IX- Siayan, Zamboanga del Norte Region IX - Aurora in Zamboanga del Sur Region XII- Tupi and Tboli, South Cotabato

19 Other areas proposed by the regions were not considered since these were not given clearance by NTC. Proposed area of Maddela, Quirino was no longer considered since the provincial government will be given a radio station by the Philippine Broadcasting Service. 12. Nutriskwela areas for Phase 4

20 Action requested: NNC Region 7 to follow up Tuburan, Cebu for submission of signed MOA, SB resolution and Letter of Intent Inform areas that the region recommended but not considered to avoid raised expectations, if any

21 Possible stations for upgrading: 1.Siay, Zamboanga Sibugay 2.Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur 3.Sibagat, Agusan del Sur 4.Borongan City 5.Catubig, Northern Samar 6.Sorsogon City, Sorsogon 7.Panganiban, Catanduanes 8.Claveria, Cagayan 9.Pandan, Antique 10.Sariaya, Quezon Action requested: Regions to validate if partner is willing to provide counterpart – Php250K for sturdy antenna – Additional electricity – Improve performance

22 12. Nutriskwela areas for Phase 4 Request for technical assistance received from Catubig, N. Samar; Batanes and Lagangilang, Abra and were referred to consultant National Conference scheduled on 8-9 December is moved to 6-7 January 2015  Attendance Regions to coordinate with the radio stations for attendance to the 5 th National Conference

23 12. Nutriskwela areas for Phase 4 Monitoring done for Sariaya, Quezon Claveria, Cagayan Lagangilang, Abra

24 ONE NUTRITION, ONE NATION RADIO PROGRAM Episodes for airing are shared via nncsikat For 2015, it is suggested that 5-minute flash report will not only feature the NNC Regional Offices but will also include the local nutrition workers to share their good practices. Note: Regions to submit suggested names of nutrition workers/areas for the flash report segment by 6 January 2015.

25 11. Local Media Plan For 2015, regional allocation is at P750k per region except for Region 7 with P1 million Regions to submit 2015 local media plan 2015 plan to focus on the NGF and the 10 Kumainments (guidelines to be issued)

26 14. Katumbas ay Biyaya Season 8 CDs to be given to region 8, CARAGA and ARMM for distribution to partners including Nutriskwela stations Finalist for Catholic Mass Media Awards for Best Public Service Radio Program Category

27 16. Buntis Congress For 2015, target is 3 areas: – NCR – Davao del Sur – Cam Sur – Iloilo – Agusan del Sur – Gen Santos

28 19. DSWD Recipe books Allocation was given to DSWD for the 4Ps convergence caravan in NCR Allocation of about 270 copies each for regions to be delivered except in regions 2, 3, 4A and 4B (to DSWD-RO) Regions to coordinate with DSWD for the submission of acknowledgement receipts

29 20. NNC 40 year book Reprinting for 1,500 copies to be done to cover the following – All governors – All city mayors – 50% of municipal mayors Second reprinting in 2015 to cover other LGUs Regions to submit acknowledgement receipts for the 100 copies provided (only 1 region submitted to date)

30 21. NNC 2015 Calendar Target delivery to regions within January 2015 Target users include NNC Regional Office, LNCs and BNSs Facilitate delivery to recipients upon receipt Submit copies of ARs to CO

31 23. Pinggang Pinoy DOH launch not held yet FNRI has trademark of the Pinggang Pinoy FNRI developing versions for children, pregnant and lactating women Same proportions for other age groups Regions to continue promotion of Pinggang Pinoy but should use the template and not to make changes in the design.

32 24. Complan for NGF No report received from regions on accomplishment of the P2M funds released to regions for the promotion of the Updated NGF Regions to submit by 30 January including soft copy of the prototypes developed Regions to also share translation of the NGF to be shared to FNRI; can also be posted in the website ARMM to share NG for Filipino Muslims

33 26. 3 rd Nat’l Conference of NAOs Held on 23-24 October 2014 at SMX Convention Center, Pasay City; a total of 471 attendees (430 NAOs, RNPCs, NNC CO staff, other guests) Remaining conference kit (bag, souvenir program, ballpen, notepad) to be provided to regions I, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, CARAGA, ARMM, CAR and NCR for their staff and some NAOs who did not attend

34 27. 3 rd BNS National Conference Procurement of event organizer on-going Tentative schedule of conferences: LocationDate# of pax Vigan City for North Luzon regions (1, 2, 3, and CAR) 10-11 February900 Metro Manila for South Luzon (4a, 4b, 5) and NCR 16-17 February900 Cebu City for Visayas regions (6, 7, 8) 23-24 February800 General Santos City for Mindanao regions (9, 10, 11, 12, CARAGA and ARMM) 3-4 March900

35 3 rd BNS National Conference NNC to send memo with form invite letters for regions to facilitate sending of invitation to LGUs NPCs to attend Travelling charged to regional operations Each region to have talent number Regions 1, 7 and 12 to assist in procurement of venue

36 Other matters – SC flyer Senior Citizen flyer on nutrition – on-going printing; as contribution of NNC for the implementation of the Expanded Senior Citizen’s Act; to be distributed to LGUs regions to assist in distribution of the flyers to NAOs for distribution to the local Office of Senior Citizen Affairs and to submit acknowledgement receipts (signatories can be president of SC assoc. and not indivdual signatories)

37 Other matters – Veggie recipe book Recipe book printed for 250,000 copies; DL undergoing clearance at NIED; for delivery in 2015 Target recipients are 4Ps beneficiaries in selected provinces; NAOs, BNSs and the winners of the recipe contest Regions to assist

38 Goiter Awareness Week Presidential Proclamation 1188 declared each 4th week of January as Goiter Awareness Week For 2015, still to use theme used for 2 years (2013 and 2014)

39 Goiter Awareness Week 2015 National launch will adapt the Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan: Kalusugan Pangkalahatan on Wheels Activities approach of DOH Health Promotion and Communication Services – DOH was tasked to coordinate the launching activity with the DOH Region V and Legazpi City

40 GAW 2015 Plans/Activities Hang GAW streamers in regional office and other public areas Conduct seminars/lectures on Iodine Deficiency Disorders among school children, pregnant women and other target audience –May coordinate with local medical society such as the Philippine Thyroid Association (PTA) and Philippine Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism (PSEM) for resource persons

41 GAW 2015 Plans/Activities Disseminate and promote information on the GAW and Iodine Deficiency Disorders even before the week of GAW celebration through: –Local media –Website –Facebook page Coordinate with local health facilities to conduct goiter screening or ultrasound, can be done with local medical societies such as the PTA or PSEM

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