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Managing Your Learning Yueguo Gu The Institute of Beiwai Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Learning Yueguo Gu The Institute of Beiwai Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Learning Yueguo Gu The Institute of Beiwai Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University

2 Main Headings 1. Integrated Modes Learning 2. An Ecological Model of Education 3. Strategies of learning management 4. Micro-analysis of integrated modes of learning

3 1 Integrated Modes of Learning





8 2 An Ecological Model of Education


10 3 Micro-analysis of integrated modes of learning





15 Estimating Costs of Mental Energy Consumption 1. Management cost: 1. planning, 2. process-monitoring, 3. record-keeping, 2. Adaptive learning cost: 1. ICT skills 2. Hypertext skills 3. New medium 3.Affective cost: 1.Uncertainty 2.Anxiety 3.Frustration 4.Insecurity 4.Active learning cost 1.Receptive learning 2.Productive learning

16 4 Strategies of learning management

17  Time management: e.g. do two or more things simultaneously  Recycling five skills  Planning posters and charts  Reduction of adaptive learning costs  Reduction of affective learning costs

18 Thanks !!

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