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Technical Rescue Rope Rescue Operator Course

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1 Technical Rescue Rope Rescue Operator Course
1 Working in partnership to make Dorset safer 1

2 AIM To train personnel in rope rescue techniques to operator level as approved by our training provider.

3 OBJECTIVES At the end of this course the student will be able to:-
Demonstrate the aspects necessary for scene safety. Demonstrate the ability to select and construct suitable anchors. Perform various types of rope rescue techniques. Select, use and maintain the appropriate equipment required for a task. Operate safely on rope systems, whilst carrying out various rescue techniques.

4 PPE Each member of the Technical Rescue team that may be required to enter the risk zone will wear: Technical Rescue PPE (orange) Technical Rescue boots Harness Rope Rescue helmet Rope Rescue gloves 4


6 ROPE CONSTRUCTION Three types of rope used by DFRS Technical Rescue teams Static or pre-stretched 11mm Low stretch kernmantle (LSK) Non elastic Breaking strength of 30kN Not designed for shock loading Red or white in colour Low stretch kernmantle straight length inner core, woven outer sheath. 10% of strength in outer sheath. Non elastic No more than 5% stretch with 150kg applied (Antipode & Industrie Static load stretch 2.8%) Breaking strength 1kN = force exerted when 1kg falls through 1m Colours Red - used as working line White - used as safety line

7 ROPE CONSTRUCTION Three types of rope used by DFRS Technical Rescue teams Dynamic 11mm kernmantle More elastic Multi coloured Withstand impact force of 7.7kN Used for cowtails and ascenders Elasticity Stretch of up to 25%. (Apollo II 1st fall stretch of 35%, static elongation 9.5%)

8 ROPE CONSTRUCTION Three types of rope used by DFRS Technical Rescue teams Canyoneering 11mm kernmantle Floating rope Type ‘A’ rope Orange in colour NOT to be used in rope rescue Type ‘A’ rope Type ‘A’ is a half rope (must be doubled up to act as a point of contact) Use Water rescue only. May have been exposed to chemical agents, silt, etc. in dirty water.

9 A knotted rope loses 1/3 of its strength
ROPE CONSTRUCTION A knotted rope loses 1/3 of its strength All rope that is subjected to a shock loading must be withdrawn from use Stored in rope bags in a haphazard fashion with an overhand knot tied 1.5m from the end Typical strength loss of a knotted rope 39% (HSE tests) (for practical application allow 33% reduction)


11 100% REDUNDANCY Wherever possible it is advisable to build 100% redundancy into a system. This means: Any component part within the system is backed up by another.

12 100% REDUNDANCY Fire Service Manual states:
“…A safe system of work will be one where failure of a single component or a single error…….will not result in an uncontrolled fall…..No single item of equipment (other than an approved harness) should be relied on anywhere in the system……..The provision of two ropes should be regarded as a minimum.”

13 100% REDUNDANCY Potential flaws in a system are two fold:
Faults within the mechanics of a system AND The threat of human error Mechanical faults Equipment failure through poor maintnence, incorrect application Human error Risk increases when personnel are working under pressure in adverse conditions.

14 100% REDUNDANCY If in doubt, Back it up.

15 Any Questions??


17 SSSF Safe working load (SWL) marked on all equipment.
Breaking strength is five times the SWL. Typical breaking strengths More examples in manual

18 SSSF Desired dynamic safety ratio for all component parts is 10:1.
This will ensure all components ‘survive’ a limited dynamic event.

19 SSSF Average rescuer in harness is taken as 100kg (1kN)
For a 2 person rescue load 2kN (2 persons) x 10 (safety factor) = 22kN Stretcher + casualty + rescuer } } = 240kg (2.4kN) 40kg kg kg }

20 SSSF For a 3 person rescue load
3kN (3 persons) x 10 (safety factor) = 30kN This provides a SSSF of just over 7:1 Check that all parts are backed up by other system components and identify the weakest point of the system. This is a Critical Point Examination.


22 EDGE MANAGEMENT Define a risk zone - usually 3m from edge
Keep number of personnel in risk zone to a minimum Ensure all tasks are allocated and understood Keep equipment stacked neatly (housekeeping) Establish good communications Identify any hazards - glass, heat, sharps Protect ropes and slings from damage Risk zone varies with slope, working space, obstructions. Distance at the descretion of the rescue supervisor. Numbers All personnel in risk zone must be protected from risk of falling. Housekeeping Maintain equipment dump out of risk zone. All items at risk of falling should be removed or secured. Comms Handheld comms not ideal. Ensure edgeman ha sline of sight if no comms. Hazrads Remove or protect against damage to system


24 FALL FACTORS A fall factor is calculated to quantify the severity of a fall. A fall factor greater than 2 may result in serious injury and/or equipment failure. Systems should be designed to minimise the fall factor. Any system with a fall factor greater than 1 should not be used unless unavoidable.

25 Fall factor = Distance of fall
FALL FACTORS Fall factor = Distance of fall Length of rope in use

26 FALL FACTORS Distance of fall = Rope in use 5 2.5 Fall factor =
Fall factor of 2

27 FALL FACTORS Fall factor = Distance of fall = Rope in use 5
Running belay Fall factor of 1 This diagram shows twin climbers using a running belay (rope passing through a karabiner but not secured). The allows for 5m of rope in use.

28 Any Questions? Dorset Fire & Rescue Service HQ |Peverell Avenue West
Dorchester | Dorset | DT1 3SU 28

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