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Welcome to CE100 Unit 5 Seminar. Audio Check If If can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CE100 Unit 5 Seminar. Audio Check If If can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CE100 Unit 5 Seminar

2 Audio Check If If can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers confirm that they are plugged in. If you can’t hear me, please try logging out and back in. This often fixes the problem. If this does not work – please call Tech Support at 1-866-522-7747







9 CONDITIONAL ADMITTANCE POLICY NOTICE REMINDER N LATE WORKCCEPTED IN UNIT 5 Please be aware of the following policy, which affects all incoming KU students: · All Kaplan University undergraduate students will be considered conditionally admitted to the University and will not receive financial aid while in this status. All University policies nevertheless apply to such students, and they enjoy all the rights and resources of a fully instated student during the period of conditional admittance. · At the end of the fifth week of classes, the University will review the academic performance of conditionally admitted students. Students who have earned a grade up to that point of 65 percent or higher for all coursework will be allowed to continue in their program and will only then be eligible for disbursement of any financial aid and to receive credit for the course. The University will reverse the enrollment of any student not meeting these criteria, and such a student will not owe any financial obligation to the University except for the application fee, which is non- refundable · Students whose enrollments are reversed in this manner may not reapply for admission for one year unless they qualify for a waiver as applied by the dean of their respective school.

10 DISCUSSION BOARD REMINDERS Initial posts and posts to classmates should be substantial. Please answer ALL questions. Please use classmates’ names when posting to them. Watch for spelling and grammar errors. Writing should be FORMAL in that respect. Please proofread your work before submitting. Credit cannot be given for late posts to classmates so it is to your benefit (10 points worth of your benefit) to post on time.

11 Introduction In Unit 5, you will learn that the field of early childhood development has its own vocabulary that describes the core concepts and skills used by professionals in the field. You will also learn about the modern concerns that the field deals with in the real-world, its hot-button issues, and major debates. You will begin to connect the basic concepts, skills, and issues of the field with your own interests and talents, and with your personal and professional identities, values, and goals.

12 Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Define key concepts, skills, and vocabulary in the field of early childhood development Examine the contemporary concerns and controversies in the field of child development Identify correlations between the field of early childhood development and your personal/professional lives Course outcomes practiced in this unit: CE100-1: Identify early childhood professional roles, responsibilities, and standards CE100-4: Apply basic knowledge of the early childhood professional role to program and professional goals

13 Readings As you read the web resources for this week, you will learn that we have a vocabulary of our own and that our field has several concerns that we face on a day to day basis.

14 Terms I Here are some terms commonly used in the field of early childhood development. How would you group the following terms? (Some terms are in a group by themselves). child care family day care day care preschool Head start nursery school Prekindergarten Now can you define each group?

15 Controversy in the Field of Early Childhood Share a controversy or debate in the field of ECE. Write a word or words that describe the controversy you chose and let’s discuss some of them.

16 What is Advocacy? Advocacy is the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending the rights of a specific group. Ex: He was known for his advocacy of children’s rights.

17 What is developmentally appropriate practice?

18 DAP “Developmentally appropriate practice, often shortened to DAP, is an approach to teaching grounded both in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education. Its framework is designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development. DAP involves teachers meeting young children where they are (by stage of development), both as individuals and as part of a group; and helping each child meet challenging and achievable learning goals.” NAEYC, Retrieved from on June 11, 2012. how young

19 “Show me and I forget; Teach me and I remember; Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

20 Developmentally Appropriate Activities Does the activity: Allow children to participate at their own level? Allow for flexibility, with no “right” or “wrong” outcome? Encourage active learning through participation? Encourage exploration and thinking? Allow for socialization and interaction with others? Enable children to learn through their senses? Allow children to experience things “hands-on”? Give children choices? Foster children’s positive feelings about themselves? Respect individual differences and cultural diversity? Lend itself to being adapted if beneficial? Acknowledge the physical needs of children? Reflect the goals and philosophy of the center?

21 DAP Example: Better Activity: Children color a beach ditto Shells placed in Children are intrigued by the the sand table. construction going on outside, but it isn’t the theme of the week All children are doing art at the table as a group Children watch a video on dinosaurs Introduction of math concepts with flashcards Children have lost interest in the book, but there are 6 more pages 15 children are lined up at the sink to wash hands for snack.

22 What are some more activities you think you would see in a DAP classroom? Think about your experiences with children.

23 Complete the readings. Participate in discussion. Attend seminar (not this week!) Complete the game and the graded review. E-mail me with questions, concerns, etc. Assignments

24 Closing thought! my fortune cookie: “School is a [virtual] building which has four walls with tomorrow inside.” - Unknown


26 Thank you for a great seminar! Please let me know if you need anything……. Thank you for joining me! It has been a pleasure share with you again this evening! If you ever need anything… email me!

27 What did you learn in seminar tonight?

28 References Follari, L. (2010). Foundations and best practices D”Developmentally Appropriate Practices with Young Children (n.d.), Retreived on August 1, 2011 from share/D.A.P..pdf.y. Boston: Pearson. Images Corporation, (2010).

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