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1. fortitude (noun – abstract) – power to endure pain or confront danger; Examples: Soldiers need fortitude to face the enemy. Synonyms : moral strength.

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Presentation on theme: "1. fortitude (noun – abstract) – power to endure pain or confront danger; Examples: Soldiers need fortitude to face the enemy. Synonyms : moral strength."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. fortitude (noun – abstract) – power to endure pain or confront danger; Examples: Soldiers need fortitude to face the enemy. Synonyms : moral strength Antonyms : weakness

2 2. grimace (verb) – to distort the face to express contempt Examples: Omar grimaced when Dr. Welch walked into the room. Synonyms : Scowl, distain Antonyms : Excited, smile

3 3. posthumous (adj.) – coming after death Examples: The medal was awarded posthumously. (adv ) posthumous award

4 4. notoriety (noun – abstract) – fame, usually negative fame adj form = notorious Examples: Synonyms : celebrity, infamy, reputation, publicity Antonyms : famous well-known His bad behavior brought him notoriety.

5 5. succumb (verb) – to yield to; to submit; to die Examples: Synonyms : to bow, to capitulate, to surrender, to quit Antonyms : to resist, to overcome He finally succumbed to his illness. She succumbed to ice cream.

6 6. insipid (adj.) – tasteless; bland; nondescript Examples: Synonyms : uninteresting, dull, flat Antonyms : Interesting, extraordinary an insipid personality an insipid soup

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