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September 7, 2012 Ms. Edwards. What is biodiversity? Biological =relating to living organisms Diversity = variation The variability among living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "September 7, 2012 Ms. Edwards. What is biodiversity? Biological =relating to living organisms Diversity = variation The variability among living organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 7, 2012 Ms. Edwards

2 What is biodiversity? Biological =relating to living organisms Diversity = variation The variability among living organisms from all sources Terrestrial, marine, et. Includes diversity within species, between specie and of ecosystems Involves genetic variation within species Variety of species in an area Variety of habitats within a landscape

3 Importance of biodiversity All living organisms are part of an ecosystem Each element of the ecosystem is dependant on another, it is a cycle Living organisms play central role in cycles of major elements

4 Issues of biodiversity Growing interest in conservation Accelerating rates of habitat loss and loss of species Human destruction and disturbance of environment Species extinction (Endemic species on Catalina)

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