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What Surprised me the most in the movie No End In Sight  What surprised me the most when I watched the movie No End In Sight I was most surprised and.

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2 What Surprised me the most in the movie No End In Sight  What surprised me the most when I watched the movie No End In Sight I was most surprised and shocked about how the living condition’s were like in Iraq. And how much violence was really going on in Iraq.

3 Us as Americans:  As of February 16 th 2010 about 4,379 United states soldiers were killed and about 31, 669 United states soldiers were seriously wounded.  In the united states in 2009 The monthly spending In Iraq was $7.3 billion  In 2008 the United states spent $5,000 per second.

4 In Iraq:  There are about an estimated 1.1 million iraq citizens who have been injured during the war.  In average a home in Iraq has only about 2 to 10 hours of electricity a day.

5 What should every American know?  Every American should know about how much money we as American’s put into this war. They also need to know the job that many of our soldiers are doing over in Iraq and why we are in Iraq because there are many reason besides 9/11.

6 Questions:  There are many question’s that I have that still remain unanswered by the research I had done on the war in Iraq and the movie No end in sight  For instants why are we still in Iraq?  What is the main reason for this war?  What does America want or hope to gain out of this war?

7 Precautions:  When we as American’s plan interventions in places such as Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and north korea is that you need to always expect the unexpected. We don’t know how they live over there or how they feel we need to educate ourselves before we do so.

8 Work Cited  No End In Sight the movie  White, Deborah. "Iraq War Facts, Statistics at February 16, 2010 - Iraq War Casualties, Spending, Iraqi Quality of Life." Liberal & Progressive Politics & Perspectives. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2010..  "Iraq War Facts | Second Gulf War Statistics." Iraq War Facts | Second Gulf War Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2010..

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