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Drama Llamas and Pencil! How do you develop a scene with no content? *** Create subtext. CONTENT-LESS SCENES.

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Presentation on theme: "Drama Llamas and Pencil! How do you develop a scene with no content? *** Create subtext. CONTENT-LESS SCENES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Drama Llamas and Pencil!

3 How do you develop a scene with no content? *** Create subtext. CONTENT-LESS SCENES

4 New Vocabulary

5 Dialogue the lines spoken by the characters in a play

6 Fourth Wall the imaginary side of a room that separates the actors from the audience

7 Objective the end goal that the actor is trying to accomplish

8 Obstacle a physical or moral obstruction that is getting in the way of the actor obtaining their objective

9 Tactic the way that the actor is going to go about getting around that obstacle to get to their objective (goal)

10 Given Circumstances the facts of the play/script/scene that the playwright (author) has provided. Answers the 4 W’s (We will leave out the WHY for now): Who? What? Where? When?

11 An Actor’s Job The actor’s job is to deliver the playwright’s words. An actor is not allowed to add or delete words – but the manner in which they are spoken (line delivery) is the actor’s choice. This is called SUBTEXT.

12 Subtext the actor’s continuous thoughts that give meaning to the dialogue and stage directions, the unstated or “between the lines” meaning that an actor must draw from the script “I’m Fine.” “I hate you.”

13 Practice! There will be short dialogue on the next slide. 2 volunteer actors will perform a scene, without any direction, in front of the class. Simply read the dialogue out loud.

14 Content-less Scene #1 A: Ah. B: So? A: All set? B: No. A: Well. B: Yes.

15 Let’s Re-Do That! Let’s Give Them Given Circumstances Who could they be to each other? What is their relationship? Choose a pairing that is more “high-stakes” – if something were to happen to that relationship, how would it affect it? How old are they? What could their moods be at this moment? Angry, frustrated, sad, excited, nervous, bored? Where could they be? Visiting a dentist/doctor? Boarding a bus? The first day at a new job/school? In a hospital? When could this be happening? Present day? In the morning? In the 15oos? In the future? After a funeral?

16 Content-less Scene #1 A: Ah. B: So? A: All set? B: No. A: Well. B: Yes.

17 Questions What was their OBJECTIVE? What was their OBSTACLE? What was their TACTIC?

18 YOUR JOB You are going to speak DIALOUGE with your partner, keeping up a FOURTH WALL between you and your audience. During your scene, you will be creating an individual OBJECTIVE, OBSTACLE, and TACTIC for their character to perform for the class. You will provide the GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES to Miss De Luna and you will create the SUBTEXT that hides beyond the text.

19 Build Your Story Beginning – getting your audience familiar with the problem (objective) Middle – develop the problem (obstacle) End – resolve the problem (tactic)

20 1) Acting Partners Choose A Relationship Pick a relationship with a lot at stake. There needs to be a lot to lose if something were to go wrong in this relationship: Couples Best Friends Roommates Siblings Parent/Child

21 2) Actors Build the Relationship With your partner, discuss the facts of your relationship: How long have you known each other? How did you meet if you aren’t family? If you are related, how do you get along with one another? Ask: What was the best time of your life together? What was the worst time that you’ve ever shared? What do you do on a typical day spent together?

22 CONTENT-LESS SCENE #2 A: What’s that? B: My latest project. A: It looks very interesting. B: Well, I think so.

23 The Moments Before What goes on in the moments before the scene is vital in helping your audience understand where you are and who you are. Creates the environment. Then the SCENE

24 The Moments Within This helps to continue the scene; adds layers. Eliminates the feeling of being rushed. Establishes more clear relationships. SCENEthenthen SCENE

25 The Moments After Instead of letting the scene just die and fizzle out, create a “lingering” effect. Don’t be abrupt because your audience wants those final moments. It allows for the scene to set in. SCENEthen

26 The Assignment You and your partner will be given a master script. You must copy this down in your drama llama. They are short. Each person needs their own copy. Highlight the lights you have decided to keep for yourself. You can either be A or B. Follow the instructions on the next two following slides.

27 Drama Llamas (Left/Right) ACTION (Miss Deaton)ACTION (Paisley) looks at her watch to check the time.opens the door and walks into the classroom. walks over to the board.goes to take her seat and places backpack on floor. picks up an Expo marker and begins to write on the board. pulls out her pencil and notebook. writes “Poetry – Write 3 Similes”watches as her teacher instructs puts the marker down and begins to walk around classroom starts the assignment stops in front of Paisley’s deskrolls her eyes “Oh”looks up at Miss Deaton gives Paisley a glare“Yes” puts her hands on hipssighs

28 Your Assignment You and your partner will decide on who plays A and who plays B Create a STRONG relationship that has high stakes Your scene must be able to answer four W’s No adding or deleting words or lines You must have a scene that lasts for at least 60 seconds Props are mandatory. You must find a way to bring some in Costumes are effective to help identify who you are This must be memorized Create character names. Don’t use your own. You’ll also be creating a title for your scene. THIS IS A BATTLE! You will both need to use your drama llamas to fill in the grid. At LEAST… 5 Moments Before each 8-10 Moments Within each 5 Moments After each There are moments that match with the dialogue, too. Don’t forget!

29 TIMELINE Tuesday: Notes Wednesday: More Notes, Partners Assigned Thursday: Grid Completed Friday: Rehearsal Monday: Workshop Tuesday: Performances Begin Wednesday: Performances Continue Thursday: Performances Conclude Friday: Written Assessment and Self/Peer Evaluation

30 Workshop Day First 15 minutes of class: Do a walk-through of your scene with your partner. This helps to refresh your memory from last week. When I call time: You and your partner will find another partner group that is NOT your same scene number. You will perform for them and they will critique you. You will take their suggestions and then re-do. Then, it’s their turn. How to switch: I will play a song that will determine when you and your partner will switch and find a new partnership from a different scene that is NOT your same scene number. What may happen: You may not finish completely before I switch groups.

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