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OSARM Opportunities for Junior Faculty Members in 2012-2013 Friday, July 27, 2012 Dr. Sally Rigler Seminar Series Office of Scholarly, Academic & Research.

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Presentation on theme: "OSARM Opportunities for Junior Faculty Members in 2012-2013 Friday, July 27, 2012 Dr. Sally Rigler Seminar Series Office of Scholarly, Academic & Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSARM Opportunities for Junior Faculty Members in 2012-2013 Friday, July 27, 2012 Dr. Sally Rigler Seminar Series Office of Scholarly, Academic & Research Mentoring (OSARM)

2 Goals for today Reminder re: OSARM structure & function Incubator Faculty—already started by now IM-Seed-20 Award opportunity IM-RCA-75 Award opportunity

3 Purpose of OSARM Office of Scholarly Academic & Research Mentoring Increased emphasis on ‘mentoring toward promotion’ and scholarly productivity for all

4 OSARM All Department of Medicine Assistant Professors Mentor/mentee meetings n=80 Incubator Faculty Members ~15-20 persons Seed Grant Awardees (20% research time) 1 new award/year Research Career Awardees (75% research time) 1 new award/year OSARM

5 Seminar Series in 2012-2013 Targeted to Incubator, Seed and RCA Faculty Other IM Faculty members are welcome All sessions Friday noon with lunch Fall: Core academic & research content E.g., Project Roadmap, HSC, P&T, Faculty Assessment Spring: Scholars’ own work Work in progress is fine; good opportunity for feedback

6 OSARM Incubator 13 faculty members in 2012-13 Project mentoring & Career Mentoring Two year duration, with progress in year 1 Expectations: at least 1 paper each year Proposed time line/Memo of understanding – Should be returned to OSARM by now – Encouraged to revise time-line and review often

7 IM-Seed-20 E-LOI to Dr. Rigler due Friday, August 3 rd 5 pm Purpose: to provide pilot funds and research experience for future larger applications Year-long writing & application process 1 award per year planned Duration one year only, not renewable Would start July 1, 2013 (with IRB approval) Requires 20% research time protection

8 IM-Seed-20, continued Award $52,620: – $30,000 in justifiable project costs – $ 1,500 for career development activity/travel – $21,120 toward salary + fringe ($16,000 salary) which is 0.1 EVU equivalent at present – Division must cover the remaining salary gap and 20% time must be protected for this project This must be crystal clear in the application process Scope of project must be right for the amount of $ and time and other resources available

9 IM-RCA-75 E-LOI due to Dr. Rigler Friday August 3 rd at 5 pm Year-long writing & application process 1 award per year planned A second year may be possible, with evidence of strong progress in year 1 and continued need Would start July 1, 2013 (with IRB approval) Requires 75% research time commitment Intended for those persons who are planning for heavily research careers & pursuing own grants

10 IM-RCA-75, continued Award $127,480 – $40,000 in justifiable project costs – $ 3,000 for career development activity/travel – $84,480 toward salary + fringe ($64,000 salary) which is 0.4 EVU equivalent (16K per 0.2 EVU) – Division must cover the remaining salary gap and 75% time must be protected for this project Gap will vary depending on level of compensation/specialty This must be crystal clear in the application process Scope of project must be appropriate for funds, time and other resources available

11 Additional Expectations for RCA: Must be willing to write subsequent NIH K08/K23 or equivalent academic career development award proposals via foundations Think of RCA as a “Pre-K” – We provide an external NIH-style review – 2 years in which to obtain external career award Must submit external awards quickly or there will not be time to actually get one by the end of RCA award – Then K08 or K23: 5 years of 75% time protection During which you then pursue independent R01 etc.

12 Seed & RCA Preparation Process for 2012-13 Academic Year See Handouts for multi-step process: E-LOI August 3 rd Planning meetings (SR, JM)September 28 First complete draft dueNovember 16 Written feedback to youDecember 21 Revised final draft dueFebruary 1 External reviewFeb-March Announcement~ early May Earliest start dateJuly 1, 2013

13 Questions?

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