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Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror The figure in the graveyard.

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1 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror The figure in the graveyard

2 Learning objective: To choose words carefully for a desired effect (WAF2, WAF7) Learning outcome: To rewrite a short text to create an effective atmosphere Success criteria: AFLevel 5 / All students can …Level 6 / Most students can …Level 7 / Some students can … WAF2Establish and keep up the main purpose Use and often vary the features of the chosen form to suit purpose and reader Clearly match style and form to purpose and reader WAF7Choose words for particular effectMostly choose words carefully so that they are right for the desired effect, purpose and audience or reader Consistently choose words that are just right for the reader and the desired effect Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard

3 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard Activity:Work with a partner. Complete the activities below as quickly as possible. 1.Look at the words below. For each one, challenge each other to think of other words or phrases that have the same or a similar meaning. 2.Look at the five groups of words below. Which is the odd one out in each group? Circle your choice, then explain your reasons to your partner. a. devilish heavenly ghoulish deadly b. bleak deserted soft harsh c. treacherous hideous beauteous dangerous d. derelict crumbling pretty dismal e. freakish scary delightful monstrous 3.In a few words, describe a typical setting for a gothic horror film. 4.List three well-known superstitions. bigdarkruinedscaredevil

4 2.Look at the five groups of words below. Which is the odd one out in each group? Circle your choice, then explain your reasons to your partner. a. devilish heavenly ghoulish deadly b. bleak deserted soft harsh c. treacherous hideous beauteous dangerous d. derelict crumbling pretty dismal e. freakish scary delightful monstrous Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard 1.Look at the words in the left-hand column below. For each one, challenge each other to think of other words or phrases that have the same or a similar meaning. big dark ruined scared evil

5 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard 3.In a few words, describe a typical setting for a gothic horror film. 4.List three well-known superstitions. a. b. c.

6 Activity 1:Look at the words below. Complete the left-hand column of the table by matching each word to one set of connotations. Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard struggled decayed morbid satanic WORDCONNOTATIONSEFFECT trapped fight victim rotting decomposing bones death ghostly scary devil hell Satan

7 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard struggled decayed morbid satanic WORDCONNOTATIONSEFFECT This word is effective because it makes me think of panic and suffering, of someone trying to escape … Activity 2:Once you have read the extract from The Woman in Black (Student’s Book, p. 30), complete the right-hand column of the table below by describing the effect each word has on the reader. trapped fight victim rotting decomposing bones death ghostly scary devil hell Satan

8 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard WORD/PHRASECONNOTATIONSEFFECT Activity 3:With a partner, choose three more words or phrases that you find particularly effective in the extract from The Woman in Black, and continue the table from Activity 2.

9 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard Activity 1:Read the description below, then rewrite it to build up an atmosphere of gothic horror. Choose words carefully to create a tense, frightening atmosphere. Add more detail to the passage to develop the scene. The house was dark. As I approached, no one was around and I couldn’t hear many sounds. I wished I wasn’t on my own. The windows had dirty curtains and the glass was cracked in places. An owl flew through a hole in the top window and off into the night. I walked closer.

10 Aiming for Levels 5 to 7, Lesson 5 Smart English: Gothic Horror – The figure in the graveyard A heavy, smothering blanket of darkness had fallen around the house; I took a breath and felt the icy chill of the air in my lungs. The house was deserted and stood alone on the windswept hill, silent except for the shriek of an owl, echoing suddenly from the sky above. I was alone.

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