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To Idle or Not to Idle – that is the Question... Environmental Modeling.

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1 To Idle or Not to Idle – that is the Question... Environmental Modeling

2 Scenario Tallahassee, FL plans to initiate a No-idling policy for city vehicles since shutting off the engine at stops cuts pollution and saves gasoline How long do you think a stop should be before a driver is required to shut down the engine…? Cutting down on Pollution and Saving Money on Gasoline.

3 How long do you think a stop should be before a driver is required to shut down the engine…? Did you provide a numerical answer…? If “Yes”, go to (a); if “No”, go to (b). (b) You probably realized that there was a cost associated with stopping & starting the engine. Such as wear & tear on the starter... (a)How did you decide on that number? Did you take into account that there might be a cost associated with stopping and starting the engine…? [ It is now time to turn the students loose and let them figure out they should tie the modeling down to a particular car, such as a 2010 Toyota Corolla, look up the cost of a starter, its life cycle, and the cost of replacing it. Although a lower-order effect, it might be worth considering the little extra fuel that a gasoline engine uses when it is started. ]


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