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.. First Grade Team Tiffany Clarke Jenny Cowper Debbie Kelly Heather Linker Michelle McElhinny Jennifer Perry LaTasha Stinson (Lauren Fuller) Siobhan.

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Presentation on theme: ".. First Grade Team Tiffany Clarke Jenny Cowper Debbie Kelly Heather Linker Michelle McElhinny Jennifer Perry LaTasha Stinson (Lauren Fuller) Siobhan."— Presentation transcript:

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2 First Grade Team Tiffany Clarke Jenny Cowper Debbie Kelly Heather Linker Michelle McElhinny Jennifer Perry LaTasha Stinson (Lauren Fuller) Siobhan Toolan Pam Whitmire (Madison Turner)

3 8:00-8:30Phonics/Shared Reading 8:30-9:15Reader’s Workshop 9:15-9:50Writers’ Workshop 9:55-10:45Specials 10:50-12:05Lunch/Recess (staggered times) 12:10-12:30 Words Their Way 12:30-1:45 Math/Math Workshop OR 12:10-1:25Math/Math Workshop 1:25-1:45 Words Their Way 1:45-2:10IRA/Snack 2:10-3:00Social Studies/Science

4 School begins at 8:00 am, students are not to arrive prior to 7:30. If students eat breakfast, they should arrive to school before 7:50. If your child arrives past 8:15 you need to come in to the office with your child. School ends at 3:00 pm. You will not be able to check your child out of school past 2:30 pm.

5 Phonics & Shared Reading In a whole group setting, students and teacher share reading responsibilities in a multitude of ways such as: Echo Reading Choral Reading Taking turns (student/teacher, boy/girl, etc.) A variety of text are used, including decodables, poems, big books, songs, etc. Skill focus each day, such as sight words, rhyming, syllable counting, concepts about print. Students learn letter sounds, including long & short vowels, digraphs, and more which they practice during blending.

6 Reader’s Workshop The purpose is to provide a structured reading environment for students to become lifelong AVID readers. 45-60 minutes of our day Bulk of time spent on reading Student = independent, partners, book clubs, using notebook, or small group-chooses their own “just right” books Teacher = conferring, assessing, and working with groups

7 Interactive Read Aloud (IRA) “A teaching context in which students are actively listening and responding to an oral reading of a text.” Teacher reads literature of different genres Students interact with a reading buddy to answer questions about the text Students benefit from listening to higher level texts and hearing a fluent reader. Comprehension skills we will cover include: -Making Predictions -Summarizing -Identifying Main Idea -Comparing/Contrasting

8 Words Their Way (WTW) Students were given a Spelling Inventory to determine spelling level. Students are grouped according to sounds they need to master and work on. Students will work on their sort for one week in class and at home. On the last day of their sort week students will be assessed.

9 Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop Personal Narratives- 3-Finger writing leads into 5-finger writing. Shared Writing Persuasive Writing Nonfiction Example of “3-Finger” writing: I went to the movies yesterday. I went with my friend Justin. We had fun. Example of “5-Finger” writing: I went to the beach last summer. I went with my mom and my dad. We stayed in a nice hotel. We went to an amusement park. I can’t wait to go back to the beach.

10 Expectations 1.Writes all upper and lower letters using correct formation on appropriate lines 2.Uses finger spaces between words 3.Use of appropriate capitalization and punctuation 4.Uses more standard than phonetic spelling 5.Writes sentences in logical order and uses transition words to show flow of time 6.Varies sentence structure 7.Uses descriptive language

11 Ways to help your child become a better writer 1.Keep a journal at home, set aside a time each day to write 2.Use sounds to write- spelling doesn’t have to be correct 3.Talk about writing: Does it make sense? Are periods in the right place? Are appropriate letters capitalized? Is your handwriting neat?

12 Program called Investigations; K-5 mathematics curriculum designed to engage students in making sense of mathematical ideas. Use of manipulatives (home and school) to extend and review concepts/skills. Homework given according to program pacing guide.

13 CC Standards: 1.Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2.Numbers and Operations in Base 10 3.Measurement and Data 4.Geometry Major Math Concepts: 1.Number sense (counting, greater than/less than, etc.) to 120 2.Addition/Subtraction of multiple digit numbers (how +/- relate), word problems 3.Time 4.Length (nonstandard units) 5.Geometric shapes, fractions of shapes 6.Patterns 7.Place Value

14 How to Help at Home There are many different ways to help your child learn and appreciate mathematics, even if math was not your favorite subject in school. You can help your child by: sharing how you use mathematics everyday playing games that make learning fun and important solving problems together and exploring different ways to solve the same problems asking your child questions as s/he solves problems examining why solutions are correct and incorrect

15 During investigations, students will have opportunities to use tools such as magnifiers, thermometers, rulers, or balances to gather data and extend their senses. Through science experiments students will use drawings and models to communicate results and explanations. Units of Study 1.Force and Motion 2.Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes 3.Earth in the Universe 4.Ecosystems 5.Molecular Biology

16 Students will learn about neighborhoods & communities, change over time, holidays and geography. 5 Strands 1.History 2.Geography and Environmental Literacy 3.Economic and Financial Literacy 4.Civics and Governance 5.Culture

17 PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Discipline should teach rather than punish HCES flowchart and matrix in regards to behavior expectations Incentive program for positive behavior (“bees”)

18 PBIS Focuses on two questions to address inappropriate behavior: Are you making a good choice? What should you be doing? Bee Rewards: 1.Yellow Bee- 1 point 2.Blue Bee- 2 points (cafeteria) 3.Green Bee- 10 points

19 Given as a way to reinforce skills taught during the school day. Homework consists of the following things: Reading: done nightly, 20 minutes, title recorded in agenda; reading varies (buddy reading, parent reading, independent reading) Math: will be given according to the Investigations pacing guide Word Sorts: Will begin week of 9/16-9/20

20 Assessments Reading 3D Kathy Richardson AMC Common Assessments MAPS

21 Specials Monday- P.E Tuesday- Media Wednesday- Computer/Science Lab Thursday- Art Friday-Music

22 Please volunteer in our classroom or within the school. 1. Register to volunteer at 2. Stop by the office and sign in for a visitor’s badge

23 1.Fire station 31 –Scheduled for October Transportation: Walking 2.Lazy 5 Ranch – Scheduled tentatively for the middle of march. Transportation: Bus

24 Questions????

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