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1. Review action items from SAG meeting in Beijing, China (June, 2013): Action: Brad will suggest new terms of reference for central facilities before.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Review action items from SAG meeting in Beijing, China (June, 2013): Action: Brad will suggest new terms of reference for central facilities before."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Review action items from SAG meeting in Beijing, China (June, 2013): Action: Brad will suggest new terms of reference for central facilities before November, 2013. QA/SAC becomes QDC: Quality Development Center QDC is a better term. It describes their role. They “develop” and “coordinate” quality assurance/improvement strategies. Roles of SAC would fall under QDC. WCC becomes QSC or QAC: Quality Support Center or Quality Assurance Center Can be either world or regional, but instead of using World and Regional in the title, QSC could describe a global center. QSC-Asia/Pacific, QSC-Europe, could describe regional centers. Could use “Assurance” instead of “Support” if support sounds too subordinate. CCL => keep CCL as is: without WCC, CCL is OK.

2 Action: Ed writes a draft update of GAW Report No. 143 by late-summer, 2013 and submits it to SAG members for comment. *Ed distributed draft in mid-September, 2013, which was finalized later in the month. Action: Ed uses RRR process to determine observational requirements to address radiative forcing by LLGHGs. *This action replace by Sander’s role on ET (agneda item 2). Action: Armin to draft formal guidelines regarding commercial interests. * No singular vendor should have any privileged role ("golden sponsor") giving them an extra opportunity for presentation of their products or activities. * Within the meeting program vendors should not have other opportunities to attract attention (like performing some entertainment program) * Any sponsored side event from companies should not be part of the official program (e.g., sponsored dinners should be advertised and organised outside the program by the vendors). * Vendors presentations contributing to the scientific program might be grouped in a dedicated session that is distinct from other presentations with no commercial interest. * As in the past we will welcome financial support for the meetings through renting of exhibition space where companies can present their instruments.

3 Action: Look at the tasks in the strategic plan prior to November for the CAS meeting. * Suggestions given regarding the role of SAG GHG for implementation plan. Action: GAW requirements for metadata submitted to WDCGG. Not sure if this has been followed up on. 2. RRR (rolling review of requirements): Sander Houweling is member of WMO GAW Task Team on Observational Requirements and Satellite Measurements as regards Atmospheric Composition and Related Physical Parameters that met in Zurich, August, 2015. (Sander (by telephone)/Ed) Draft requirements by early-September, 2015.

4 3. GAW implementation plan. (Oksana) Input from GHG SAG: Research that informs services: The LLGHG monitoring component of GAW is a research-based community interested in advancing understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of the major climate forcing agents influenced by anthropogenic activities including CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, ozone-depleting substances, and perfluoronated compounds. The objective of this community is well-calibrated measurements of LLGHGs and other related tracers at the surface and as vertical profiles that meet science-based quality control standards. Measurement quality should be sufficient to: ●Provide accurate estimates of LLGHG contributions to radiative forcing of climate ● Use data with meteorology to make top-down estimates of emissions at policy-relevant scales ● Where necessary, distinguish between natural and anthropogenic sources of emission ● Gain quantitative understanding of climate feedbacks on LLGHG budgets of emissions and sinks, and use knowledge to predict future changes ● To evaluate satellite and other remotely-sensed retrievals of LLGHG column abundance ● Assess the impacts of policy on LLGHG budgets and radiative forcing Key GAW activities (LLGHGs): Terms of Reference for GHG SAG (report 220; SSC meeting summary):

5 4. What changes are necessary to the Terms of Reference for SAGs for the upcoming implementation plan? (Oksana) Current ToRs: (a) Keep informed of scientific and technical developments in their field; (b) Advise the SSC and Members on the developments, priority areas and progress in their field, taking into consideration user requirements; (c) Contribute to the review of the GAW Implementation Plan; (d) Implement recommendations, tasks and projects as defined in the GAW Implementation Plan; (e) Review the status of the relevant part of the GAW network, ensure active collaboration with contributing networks, and advise on further enhancement of the observational capacity of the GAW Programme, fostering the development of QMF; (f) Promote timely data delivery; (g) Develop a broad spectrum of products and services, taking socio-economical needs into consideration; (h) Interact effectively with the WMO Secretariat on matters related to the GAW Programme; (i) Take into consideration activities by other UN organizations and institutes in their field and collaborate as appropriate.

6 5. Outcomes from SSC meeting, particularly regarding local stations and what it means for SAG-GHG and our potential role in urban activities (a CAS priority) and cross-cutting across other SAGs. (Oksana) 6. How do we develop a mechanism for cross-SAG collaborations on cross-cutting issues, e.g., assessing climate forcing across the SAGs? (Oksana) 7. As GAW develops a partnership with the agromet community, how do we incorporate GHG flux measurements into our work within the community of atmospheric measurements of mole fractions? (Oksana) 8. How does GAW work with contributing networks (e.g., AGAGE and TCCON, both represented on the SAG GHG)? (Oksana) 9. Status of measurement guidelines for CO 2. (Ed/Oksana) 10. IG 3 IS (International Global Greenhouse Gas Information System). (Ed/Oksana) 11. Discussion of issues involving the CCLs and other central facilities, including cooperative efforts with BIPM working groups. (Brad/Armin)

7 12. GHG Bulletin. (Ed) 2014 UN Climate Conference version Not appreciated by WMO! 2014 COP version Both versions included center section on ocean acidification.

8 12. GHG Bulletin (continued); cover story on water vapor and clouds



11 13. Transfer of reactive gases WDC from JMA to NILU. (Koide) SAG-RG now wants to move CO from JMA to NILU 14. Role of SAG in assessing data quality within GHG community. (Ed; general discussion) 15. Role of SAG in mentoring developing GHG measurement programs and developing a network suitable to meet scientific goals. (Ed; general discussion) 16. Tasks from GAW Strategic Plan (most are on-going and, with the upcoming implementation plan, may be superfluous). 17. Highlights from Congress related to LLGHGs. (Oksana) 18. We’ve been asked to review proposals, at least portions related to GHG measurements, by national measurement programs; should we formalize procedures for their acceptance as global or regional stations (or local, once this category is defined)? (Oksana) 19. Summary of the GAW data management workshop held in August, 2015. (Oksana, Koide)

12 20. Changes to SAG membership; process for nominating and appointing new chair and members. (Oksana) Potential members nominated by SAG and approved by SSC. 21. Other issues not addressed above. (open discussion)

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