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SSWG 1Jeopardy Terms5 ThemesMapsEarth Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "SSWG 1Jeopardy Terms5 ThemesMapsEarth Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 SSWG 1Jeopardy Terms5 ThemesMapsEarth Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Terms Imaginary lines that run parallel the equator are called _____

4 $100 Answer from Terms Latitude

5 $200 Question from Terms Imaginary lines that circle the earth from pole to pole are called _________.

6 $200 Answer from Terms Longitude

7 $300 Question from Terms The ________ divides the earth into eastern and western halves.

8 $300 Answer from Terms Prime Meridian

9 $400 Question from Terms The ________ divides the earth into northern and southern halves.

10 $400 Answer from Terms Equator

11 $500 Question from Terms A three-dimensional view of the earth is called _______.

12 $500 Answer from Terms Globe

13 $100 Question from 5 Themes A biome or region classified by receiving less than ten inches of rain a year is a ________________?

14 $100 Answer from 5 Themes Desert

15 $200 Question from 5 Themes The study of distribution and interaction of Earth’s physical and human features is called___________?

16 $200 Answer from 5 Themes Geography

17 $300 Question from 5 Themes To divide places on Earth based on physical features, geographers commonly group places into ______?

18 $300 Answer from 5 Themes Regions

19 $400 Question from 5 Themes Tropical _________ are very rainy and warm all year round and have thick, heavy vegetation

20 $400 Answer from 5 Themes rainforest

21 $500 Question from 5 Themes The _____ is considered a perceptual region of the U.S. by climate, being over 50% Baptist and low high school graduation rates, and being historically bound by the Confederacy.

22 $500 Answer from 5 Themes The South

23 $100 Question from Maps Lines of ______ converge at the poles, while lines of ______ run parallel to the equator.

24 $100 Answer from Maps Longitude; Latitude

25 $200 Question from Maps A ______________ shows direction in cardinal, intermediate, and secondary points.

26 $200 Answer from Maps Compass Rose

27 $300 Question from Maps Mountains, rivers, valleys, and plains are shown on a _________ map.

28 $300 Answer from Maps Physical

29 $400 Question from Maps Every map projection has some amount of __________.

30 $400 Answer from Maps Distortion

31 $500 Question from Maps National and state boundaries, major cities, and capitals are all shown on a _______ map.

32 $500 Answer from Maps Political

33 $100 Question from Earth The _________ is at 0 degrees latitude and runs around the center of the Earth.

34 $100 Answer from Earth Equator

35 $200 Question from Earth The _________ is a line of longitude at 0 degrees that divides the Earth into West and East Hemispheres.

36 $200 Answer from Earth Prime Meridian

37 $300 Question from Earth The International Date Line is measured approximately at _____________ degrees.

38 $300 Answer from Earth 180

39 $400 Question from Earth There are _____ time zones on the planet, _____ of which exist in the contiguous United States

40 $400 Answer from Earth 24; 4

41 $500 Question from Earth The ________________ are times of the year (Spring and Fall) when you have equal hours of day and night.

42 $500 Answer from Earth Equinox

43 $100 Question from Other What are the five themes of geography?

44 $100 Answer from Other Place, Region, Movement, Location, HEI MR HELP !

45 $200 Question from Other How do seasons differ based on latitude and climate?

46 $200 Answer from Other ???????????????????????????

47 $300 Question from Other What are the major factors affecting climate?

48 $300 Answer from Other Temperature, precipitation, latitude, Elevation, ocean and wind currents, topography

49 $400 Question from Other The strata of a rainforest consist of the _____________, ____________, _____________, and the ____________.

50 $400 Answer from Other Forest floor, Understory, Canopy, Emergents

51 $500 Question from Other Physical geography differs from cultural geography in that it focuses on ?????

52 $500 Answer from Other ??????????????????????????

53 Final Jeopardy Geographers commonly divide the earth into six major climate zones, according to latitude: tropical, dry, mild, continental, polar, and mountain. These are frequently broken down into thirteen smaller zones, with regard to features such as plant life, location, landscape, and temperature. What is the best explanation for this subdivision?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer ???????????????????????

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