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Tuesday, Mar. 17 th p. 214, 215. Tuesday, Mar. 17 th 214 3/17/15 Tues. L.T.: I can collaboratively organize cards showing features of an environment into.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, Mar. 17 th p. 214, 215. Tuesday, Mar. 17 th 214 3/17/15 Tues. L.T.: I can collaboratively organize cards showing features of an environment into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, Mar. 17 th p. 214, 215

2 Tuesday, Mar. 17 th 214 3/17/15 Tues. L.T.: I can collaboratively organize cards showing features of an environment into multiple categories using specific rules to sort. DO NOW: Here’s a list of stuff that’s in the MWB bag: cotton balls, water, paper towel, adult MWBs, 1 st and 2 nd instar MWBs, sunflower seeds, wastes, and dead MWB bodies. Organize these things into whatever categories you can in the time given. Be ready to explain why you put them into those categories. …………………….. Reflection: Did I participate in coming up with the rules for each round of sorting? Do I have notes from each sorting round on my right side? Was my partner and I able to successfully finish each round? 215 Title: Sorting Out Life Anyone want to help make a MWB habitat? See Ms. Kim about after school time Wed… 2 categories – rules: Misfits: 3 categories – rules: Misfits: 4 categories – rules: Misfits: 5 categories – rules: Misfits:

3 2-2-2 Take 2 minutes to just look at the cards to see what you have. VL 2 With your partner

4 Rules You must have the # of categories that Ms. Kim states Each category must have rules as to why things belong there: You must use every card every round Each card must actually fit into the category No “Miscellaneous” category!

5 Example from Ahtalia 2 categories Rule: 1) living, 2) nonliving livingNon-living Hawk Mushrooms Mice Poppies Elodea and guppies Chickens Deer Snails brine shrimp Ants Oak trees Chickadees Rabbit(s) CA gull Fox Frogs Prairie dogs Trees, shrubs, and grass Butterflies, bees, and flowers Lightning Rocks Snowflakes Sunlight Heat Fire Ocean Rain Pond Clouds Forest hillside

6 Ambassadors (Light version) Choose an ambassador. This person is going to travel and learn of other peoples’ groupings and questioning the groupings. “How is this category different from that category?” Why does _____ belong in this category?” “How does _____ follow this rule?” High School Reps: You are explaining your rules for your groupings to the ambassador and receiving the ambassador’s questions. “_______ belongs in this category because _________.” “This category is different from this category because _____________.”

7 “Come back home…” Ambassadors: share other tables’ groupings (for new ideas) Table Reps: share questioning from other ambassadors Entire group: decide whether groupings stay or needs tweaking. Finalize in SNB.

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