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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Week 4 - Wednesday. x = 1 while True: print "Too infinity and beyond! " + str(x) x +=1.

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Presentation on theme: "PYTHON PROGRAMMING Week 4 - Wednesday. x = 1 while True: print "Too infinity and beyond! " + str(x) x +=1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PYTHON PROGRAMMING Week 4 - Wednesday

2 x = 1 while True: print "Too infinity and beyond! " + str(x) x +=1

3 YESTERDAY Conditionals and control flow

4 REMINDERS Homework  Bethany hand in  Check feedback – go through with me if you need to

5 TODAY Conditionals & Control flow  Work on exercises

6 CRIT / ACTIVITY Simple validation

7 PRACTICAL Codecademy:  Conditionals and Control Flow Plus  Exercises  Challenges

8 RECAP Boolean expressions If…else If..elif…else / case statement Nested if

9 NEXT WEEK Functions Algorithm design

10 HOMEWORK Complete the Pyg Latin exercise in Codecademy

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