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School Organization and Funding. Purpose of Schools?  Depends on philosophy Essentialist: Acquire basic skills & knowledge needed to function in today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "School Organization and Funding. Purpose of Schools?  Depends on philosophy Essentialist: Acquire basic skills & knowledge needed to function in today’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Organization and Funding

2 Purpose of Schools?  Depends on philosophy Essentialist: Acquire basic skills & knowledge needed to function in today’s world Perennialist: Train the intellect & moral development Progressivist: Acquire ability to function in real world & develop problem-solving skills Postmodernist: Critically examine today’s institutions & elevate the status of marginalized people Existentialist: Discover one’s self and purpose, including talents and interests

3 Organization of Schools  Junior high or middle school Created to meet the unique needs of adolescents Middle School (created in 1950)  Organizes teachers and students into interdisciplinary needs.  Attempts to create and maintain long term teacher-student relationships with attention to emotional development  Interactive teaching strategies  Eliminates activities that emphasize developmental differences, such as competitive sports

4 Organization of Schools, cont’d.  High School Comprehensive model  Offer diverse academic courses and facilities for students Critiques  Tracking  Size  Departmentalization  Academic rigor

5 Alternative School Structures  Career technical schools Focus on developing job skills  Magnet schools Specialized purpose/no geographic boundaries  Charter schools Schools that are formed by special agreements and focus on meeting the needs of a community  School within a school Larger schools are broken down into smaller schools internally  Year round school School calendar is arranged to avoid 3month breaks in students’ educations  Alternative school days School day is arranged in a non-traditional time period  3 year/5 year high schools High school plans differ from the traditional 4 year plan

6 Effective Schools  Optimal school and class size  Clear school mission and strong leadership  Safe and orderly environment  High parental involvement  Academic focus  High collective efficacy  Interactive instruction  Frequent monitoring of student progress

7 State Constitution State CourtsGovernorState Legislature State Board of Education Chief State School Officer Regional Offices of Education Local School Districts District School Board District Superintendent District Office Principals & Schools

8 Structure in Illinois (state level)  Legislation – Illinois State Code  State Board of Education  State Superintendent  Regional Office of Education

9 Common District Structure  School Board Elected Represent local control  District Office Superintendent  School Administration Principal, Assistant Principals, Deans, etc.  School Faculty Teachers Other certified staff (speech pathologists, guidance counselors, etc.)  School Staff Custodians Administrative assistants



12 School Choice  Vouchers  Tax Credits  Open Districts

13 School Equity  Factors involved Funding Facilities Faculty Other  Measurement?

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