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Complete the sentences Complete the sentences: 1) David liked _____. 2) Mia was fond of ______. 3) Jan heard _______. 4) Emily wanted to hear ____.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete the sentences Complete the sentences: 1) David liked _____. 2) Mia was fond of ______. 3) Jan heard _______. 4) Emily wanted to hear ____."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete the sentences Complete the sentences: 1) David liked _____. 2) Mia was fond of ______. 3) Jan heard _______. 4) Emily wanted to hear ____.

2 A I E N E D C R L L

3 C I N D E R E L L A


5 Say if the sentences are “TRUE” or “FALSE” 1) Cinderella had a stepmother and a sister. F 2) The King had a ball in the palace. T 3) Stepmother helped Cinderella to go to the ball. F 4) The Prince loved Cinderella very much.T 5) The Prince married to Cinderella’s sister.F

6 1) Cinderella ___ (live) with her stepmother and 2 stepsisters. 2) She _____ (work) from morning till night. 3) There ____ (be) a ball in the King’s Palace. 4) Her stepsisters ____ ( go) there. 5) Her fairy godmother _____ (help) her.

7 1 ) Cinderella lived with her stepmother and 2 stepsisters. 2) She worked from morning till night. 3) There was a ball in the King’s Palace. 4) Her stepsisters went there. 5) Her fairy godmother helped her.

8 Fill in the gaps choosing the correct answer A, B,C 1) After the lesson I оften ____ our school drama club. A) visit B) visitedC) аm visiting 2) They ___ a very good fairy - tale yesterday. A) role-playB) are role-playing C) role-played 3) They ____ “Cinderella” now. A) а re role-playing B) role-playedC) role-play 4) It ____ about a poor girl. A) am B) is C) are

9 5) She___ a mother. A) hasn’t B) not have C) didn’t have 6) She ____ a stepmother. A) havedB)have C) had 7) She ____ much. A) worked B) workC) working 8) One day Prince ____ her and loved her. A) see B) saw C) seen 9) I_____ this play very much. A) likesB) liking C) like

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