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Gordon STUDENT ETAI November 22 nd, 2011. The Power of Words NON.

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Presentation on theme: "Gordon STUDENT ETAI November 22 nd, 2011. The Power of Words NON."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gordon STUDENT ETAI November 22 nd, 2011

2 The Power of Words NON

3 5 Elements of Reading for Small Groups Phonemic Awareness Phonics Instruction Vocabulary Fluency Text Comprehension Plus Written Expression

4 Small Group Instruction will focus on The five elements of readinghe five elements of reading Comprehension Vocabulary Phonic s Phonemic Awareness Fluency Written Expression

5  multisensory  success oriented  short  varied  focused  fun  interesting  repetition


7 Examples of Phonemic Awareness Tasks Phoneme deletion: What word would be left if the /k/ sound were taken away from cat? Word to word matching: Do pen and pipe begin with the same sound? Blending: What word would we have if you put these sounds together: /s/, /a/, /t/? Sound isolation: What is the first sound in rose? Phoneme counting: How many sound do you hear in the word cake? Deleting phonemes: What sound do you hear in meat that is missing in eat? Odd word out: What word starts with a different sound: bag, nine, beach, bike? Sound to word matching: Is there a /k/ in bike?

8 Phonemic awareness is important because… Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction it improves children’s word reading and reading comprehension. it helps children learn to spell.

9 ETAI Jerusalem Conference 2011

10 Rhyming Words Activities for Spoken Words The Task Children identify words that rhyme in a series of activities. For example, "Put your thumbs up if these two words rhyme--pail-tail or cow-pig?" or "Finish this rhyme, red, bed, blue, ______." ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011

11 Rhyming Words Activities for Spoken Words "I say, You say" game: I say fat. You say _____. I say red. You say _____. ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011

12 Rhyming Words Activities for Spoken Words Rhyming Word Sit Down Children walk around in a big circle taking one step each time a rhyming word is said by the teacher. When the teacher says a word that doesn't rhyme, the children sit down: she tree flea spree key bee sea went ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011

13 Syllabication Syllable Count Have children clap for each syllable you say. Begin with two or three syllable words and build up to longer words with more syllables: airplane table porcupine communication ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011

14 Phonemic Segmentation Rubber Band Stretch Teacher models with a large rubber band how to stretch out a word as the word is said. /mmmmmmmm-/aaaaaaaaaaaa-/nnnnnnnnn/ Teacher models with stretched out band how to bring rubber band back to original length and says the word fast: /man/. Children pretend to stretch rubber bands as they say the sounds in different words. Stretchy Names ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011

15 Phonemic Substitutions Try Old Mac Donald Had a Farm making substitutions when singing about each new animal. For a cow, sing, "kee-kigh,kee-kigh, koh!" For a sheep, sing, "shee-shigh, shee-shigh, shoh!" ETAI - Haifa Conference 2011



18 Phonics instruction is important because it leads to an understanding of the alphabetic principle—the systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken sounds. Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction



21 Vocabulary is important because beginning readers use their oral vocabulary to make sense of the words they see in print. readers must know what most of the words mean before they can understand what they are reading. Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction



24 Teaching comprehension is critical to ensure students understand what they read. Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction

25 Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly. Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction

26 Fluency is the combination of several factors: rate (speed) prosody (phrasing) expression intonation facing-along with comprehension Five Essential Components of Reading Instruction



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