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 Turn to page 309 and complete the “Funding Congressional Campaigns” Analyzing Graphs #1 & 2.

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Presentation on theme: " Turn to page 309 and complete the “Funding Congressional Campaigns” Analyzing Graphs #1 & 2."— Presentation transcript:

1  Turn to page 309 and complete the “Funding Congressional Campaigns” Analyzing Graphs #1 & 2.

2  Turn to page 324 and complete #5

3 Amos CHP 10 & 11

4  1971 Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)  Public Disclosure of a Candidates Spending  Limited Hard $  Federal Election Commission (FEC)  Monitors Spending  Public Funding  $3.00 on your taxes


6  Canvassing  Grassroots Campaign  Endorsements  Advertising/ Image Molding  Strength of Incumbents

7  Impact on the PUBLIC AGENDA: problems and issues the government deals with  Coverage of Candidates  Using the Media  Watchdog  National Security

8  Turn to page 336 and take notes on the 7 propaganda techniques that the media and candidates use.

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