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Educators’ Perspectives: Survey analysis based on the2009 CEC advanced content standards Dr. Bergstrand Othman Dr. Kieran & Dr. Anderson.

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1 Educators’ Perspectives: Survey analysis based on the2009 CEC advanced content standards Dr. Bergstrand Othman Dr. Kieran & Dr. Anderson



4 The Advanced Content Standards, CEC, 2009. 1. Leadership and Policy 2. Program Development and Organization 3. Research and Inquiry 4. Individual and Program Evaluation 5. Professional Development and Ethical Practice 6. Collaboration


6 Purpose Practices “I use current assessment methods and tools to evaluate students with exceptional learning needs” Knowledge “My knowledge of research and evidence-based practices informs my instruction” Ethics “I advocate for appropriate resources for students with exceptional learning needs”

7 Purpose Continues Investigating the relationship between participants’ responses and the following variables: Students population HI vs. LI Disabilities Setting: Urban Vs. Rural Years of Experience Conference The extent to which participants agreed that they have the knowledge, practices, and advocacy embedded in the CEC advanced content standards in their professional development.

8 Survey 24 questions 4 statements in each of 6 standards Five-choice Likert scale Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree

9 Questions 1. Knowledge, practice and advocacy in professional development? 2. Differences between teachers serving students with high and low incidence disabilities? 3. Differences between teachers of urban and rural settings? 4. Correlation between experience and survey responses? 5. Correlation between conference attendance and survey responses?

10 Survey  Demographic information  Split-half reliability  Knowledgeable practitioners  Advocacy for students

11 Are there any questions? What are your thoughts?

12 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

13 How would you classify these students: low or high incidence?  EBD students in a correctional facility  8 year old child with autism  High school student with TBI

14 82/83 experienced different disabilities Define high and low incidence ? Are there significant differences in ratings between teachers of students with High Incidence Disabilities in comparison to teachers of students with Low Incidence Disabilities and to which direction?

15 Rural and Urban  Qualified personnel  Limited resources  Budget  Professional development

16 Are there significant differences in ratings between teachers working in rural settings in comparison to teachers working in urban settings and to which direction? What do you think?

17 Are there significant differences in ratings between teachers working in rural settings in comparison to teachers working in urban settings and to which direction? Leadership policy standard Program development and organization Urban schools M=4; SD =.39 Rural schools M=4.58; SD =.42 Urban schools M= 4.67; SD =.34 Rural schools M= 4.69; SD =.40

18 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

19 Are there significant correlations between the amount of teachers’ experience and their responses to the survey questions and to which direction? There was a significant correlation between one statement and years of experience. “I use current assessment methods and tools to evaluate students with exceptional learning needs/student and program evaluation standard” Longer years of experience were associated with more use of assessment methods There was no significant correlation between participants’ years of experience and: Leadership and Policy Program Development and Organization Research Inquiry Program Evaluation Professional Development and Ethical Practice Collaboration

20 Participants  Nationality  United States  Belgium  Experience  8.5% (1-5)  17% (6-10)  12% (11-15)  21% (16-20)  11% (21-25)  30.5% (26+)

21 To which extent did participants agree that they have the knowledge, practices, and advocacy embedded in the CEC advanced content standards in their professional development? Agree- Strongly Agree Mean 4.49 (4.30-4.67)

22 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

23 Are there significant correlations between the number of educational conferences attended by teachers and their responses to the survey questions and to which direction? Program development and organization/ number of conferences attended r=.29, n=83, p<.05 Attending more educational conferences was associated with more involvement in program development and organization.

24 Any Questions? Thoughts?

25 Thank You


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