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CMS Athletics Parent Meeting May 21, 2012 Coach Robinson, Clary, Harden, Pulattie, & Rutherford.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS Athletics Parent Meeting May 21, 2012 Coach Robinson, Clary, Harden, Pulattie, & Rutherford."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS Athletics Parent Meeting May 21, 2012 Coach Robinson, Clary, Harden, Pulattie, & Rutherford

2 Athletic Goals - Robinson Prepare your son for The Next Level Commitment Contract Teach the proper skills Create the Desire to Win!

3 How can you help us??? Parent’s Involvement- Harden

4 There is a division that will occur as the boys move to high school BUT WE ARE COLTS! We need Your Support for the coaching staff ALWAYS! Come to us with questions/concerns Conflicts 24 hour rule Steps to resolve conflict Unity

5 Coach’s Responsibility Accountability Role Model Teach Sports skills Teach life lessons through sports Parent’s Responsibility Role Model Invest Time Teach life lessons through challenges in their sports participation Support Coaches and Teachers to help their student-athlete to be successful Build Character

6 When asked, “What is a winning team”, these are the responses of our young men: Positive energy Trust Ability to depend on teammates Teamwork Maximum Effort – 110% Ability to Listen Next play is the most important – not getting caught up in past mistakes Correct each other properly Confidence that comes through success Success is not defined by winning and losing Student’s Expectations

7 Get handout with recommended books to help you as you wade through your student- athlete’s next several years participating in sports. These books are written to discuss positive coaching, positive parenting, teamwork, and leadership, and how sports are used to teach life lessons and character. Recommended Books

8 Please buy and read “The Choice is Yours” by John Maxwell. It would be helpful for you to go through this book with them. If finances are a concern, please see one of us after the meeting. SUMMER READING

9 Student Expectations - Clary Must maintain a 70% or above in academic classes Athletes will be role models on campus Repeated violations of the Colt Commitment Contract will result in the athlete being removed from the athletic program

10 Athletic Forms - Clary Physicals must be turned in before football equipment can be issued or participate in any sport or practice Forms can be printed off of the CMS football website

11 Athletic Expectations - Rutherford 1. Parental Expectations 2. Maximum Effort All Of The Time 3. Time Commitment

12 Camp Thurman Team Challenges Character & Leadership Skills High Ropes Unity There is a flyer with details and we strongly encourage ALL players to attend! This ALL Starts Here…

13 Summer Expectations - Robinson Be Active! Skill Camps Strength & Conditioning Basketball Baseball Football Camp Thurman

14 Equipment - Robinson Barefoot Athletics Webpage Football Package Shoes, Gloves, Girdle w/pads Teamline Sports Apparel Items, Shirts, Shorts

15 Booster Club Thanks to Tom & Cari Middaugh Welcome Kimberly Porcheddu Assistance Needs

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