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Section 10.2: Tests of Significance Hypothesis Testing Null and Alternative Hypothesis P-value Statistically Significant.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 10.2: Tests of Significance Hypothesis Testing Null and Alternative Hypothesis P-value Statistically Significant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 10.2: Tests of Significance Hypothesis Testing Null and Alternative Hypothesis P-value Statistically Significant

2 Goal of Tests of Significance To assess the evidence provided by data about some claim concerning a population.

3 Coin Flipping Example On a scrap paper record the results of my coin flips.

4 Why did you doubt my truthfulness? Because the outcome of the coin flipping experiment is very unlikely. How unlikely? (.5)^k, where k is the number of flips before you yelled.

5 Not sure if you believe me, you hand me a ball and ask me to serve 20 balls. I make 8 out of those 20 serves. “Aha,” you say. “Someone who makes 80% of their serves would hardly ever only make 8 out of 20 shots, so I don’t believe your claim!” Suppose I claim to consistently make 80% of my volleyball serves.

6 Significance Test Procedure STEP 1: Define the population and parameter of interest. State the null and alternative hypotheses in words and symbols.  Population: My volleyball serves  Parameter of interest: Proportion of serves made  Suppose I am an 80% server. This is a hypothesis and we think it is false. We will call it the null hypothesis and use the symbol H 0 (pronounced H - nought). H 0 : p = 0.8  You are trying to show that I am worse than an 80% server. Your alternate hypothesis is: H a : p < 0.8 6

7 Significance Test Procedure STEP 2: Choose the appropriate inference procedure. Verify the conditions for using the selected procedure. We are going to use the Binomial Distribution Each trial has either a success or a failure There is a set number of trials Trials are independent The probability of a success is constant 7

8 Significance Test Procedure STEP 3: Calculate the P-value. The P- value is the probability that our sample statistic is that extreme assuming that H 0 is true. Look at H a to calculate “What is the probability of making 8 or fewer shots out of 20?” Binomcdf ( 20,.8, 8) =.000102 8

9 Significance Test Procedure STEP 4: Interpret the results in the context of the problem. You reject H 0 because the probability of being an 80% shooter and making only 8 out of 20 shots is extremely low. You conclude that H a is correct; the true proportion is < 80% There are only two possibilities at this step: You reject H 0 because the probability is so low. We accept H a You fail to reject H 0 because the probability is not low enough 9

10 Basic Idea Behind Significance Tests An outcome that would rarely happen if a claim were true is good evidence that the claim is not true.

11 Situation Read and summarize the situation given in: EXAMPLE 10.9, pg 560.


13 Significance Test Procedure Step 1: Define the population and parameter of interest. State null and alternative hypotheses in words and symbols. Population: Diet cola. Parameter of interest: mean sweetness loss. Suppose there is no sweetness loss (Nothing special going on). H 0: µ=0. You are trying to find if there was sweetness loss. Your alternate hypothesis is: H a : µ>0. 13

14 Significance Test Procedure Step 2: Choose the appropriate inference procedure. Verify the conditions for using the selected procedure. We are going to use sample mean distribution: Do the samples come from an SRS? We don’t know. Is the population at least ten times the sample size? Yes. Is the population normally distributed or is the sample size at least 30. We don’t know if the population is normally distributed, and the sample is not big enough for CLT to come into play. However, the book did say “from long experience we know that individual tasters’ scores vary according to a normal distribution.” 14

15 Significance Test Procedure Step 3: Calculate the test statistic and the P- value. The P-value is the probability that our sample statistics is that extreme assuming that H 0 is true. µ=0, x-bar=1.02, σ=1 Look at H a to calculate “What is the probability of having a sample mean greater than 1.02?” z=(1.02-0)/(1/root(10))=3.226, P(Z>3.226) =.000619=normalcdf(3.226,1E99) 15

16 Significance Test Procedure Step 4: Interpret the results in the context of the problem. You reject H 0 because the probability of having a sample mean of 1.02 is very small. We therefore accept the alternate hypothesis; we think the colas lost sweetness. 16

17 REMEMBER ! ! ! ! ! ! Hypothesis tests (or Significance Tests) find p-values. P-values describe how probable the NULL HYPOTHESIS is based on the sample statistic. WE ARE ALWAYS TESTING WHETHER THE NULL HYPOTHESIS IS PROBABLE OR NOT!

18 Check for Understanding A hypothesis test was calculated. Answer whether there is significant evidence to reject the H 0 and accept the the H a. P-value =.45P-value =.0001 P-value =.03P-value =.21 P-value =.99P-value = 4.2341E-12 P-value =.10 P-value =.11

19 Writing Your Conclusion There is a (p-value) probability that our sample statistic of (sample mean or proportion) would occur if the Null Hypothesis were true and the population parameter was (pop. Mean or prop). This suggests that Null hypothesis is (likely, somewhat likely, not likely). If not likely, then describe the alternative hyp. As more likely.

20 Statistically Significant To describe how significant the evidence against the H 0 is, we establish a significance level (  ). If the p-value is as small or smaller than the established , we say the evidence to reject the H 0 is statistically significant at the  -level.

21 Statistical Significance The smaller the significance level, the more evidence against the H 0 (or the more likely the H a ). Significance does not mean “important”; it means that the outcome is not likely to occur just by chance.

22 Check for Understanding If the following p-values were calculated, state whether there is statistically significant evidence against the H 0 at the 0.10, 0.05, or 0.01 level. P-value =.45 P-value =.0001 P-value =.03 P-value =.21 P-value =.99 P-value = 4.2341E-12 P-value =.10 P-value =.11

23 Summary We stated a null hypothesis (no loss) We calculated a test statistic. We stated alternative hypothesis. We found the probability of getting the test statistic if H 0 was true. (p-value) Since p-value was very low, it was statistically significant evidence that the null hypothesis was false and the alternative true.

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