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Chris Demers University of Florida - IFAS School of Forest Resources & Conservation (352) 846-2375

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Demers University of Florida - IFAS School of Forest Resources & Conservation (352) 846-2375"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Demers University of Florida - IFAS School of Forest Resources & Conservation (352) 846-2375

2  The wise use and management of forest resources that maintains and enhances the value of those resources for present and future generations.

3  Encourage and help landowners to actively manage their renewable natural resources now and for the future.

4  Any private non-industrial landowner with a minimum of 20 acres  What if less than 20 acres?

5  Technical assistance – Management Plan ◦ Division of Forestry, private consultants ◦ Cost-share programs: Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, USDA, other partners  Opportunities to learn and network ◦ UF-IFAS, public and private partners  Increased economic opportunity  Documentation of active management ◦ Timber ad valorem assessment  Recognition as a leader in resource management with sign, certificate and publicity (if desired)

6  Management Plan ◦ Landowner objectives ◦ Property location, history, resource assessment ◦ Management recommendations ◦ Map, activity schedule ◦ Supplemental information  160 acres or less? ◦ DOF County Forester or Private Consultant  More than 160 acres? ◦ Private Consultant

7  Events ◦ Workshops – 3 or 4 series / year ◦ Tours – 4 or more properties / year ◦ State-wide videoconferences on various topics  Publications ◦ Quarterly Newsletter – The Florida Forest Steward ◦ Extension Publications available at  Web ◦ Master Tree Farmer / Wildlifer on-line:   ◦ Webinars ◦ Recorded events

8 1. Nomination by neighbors, private or agency professionals or you 2. Management plan preparation 3. Practice implementation 4. Approval of completed practices 5. Forest Steward Certification

9  Timber  Wildlife  Recreation / Aesthetics  Soil and Water Conservation  Grazing

10  Fill out and send in an application:  Call your Florida Division of Forestry County Forester Partnerships are the key!

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