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DRUG DEPENDENCE TOLERANCE– The need to use more and more of a drug to achieve the same effects PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE—The body needs the drug to be able to.

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Presentation on theme: "DRUG DEPENDENCE TOLERANCE– The need to use more and more of a drug to achieve the same effects PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE—The body needs the drug to be able to."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRUG DEPENDENCE TOLERANCE– The need to use more and more of a drug to achieve the same effects PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE—The body needs the drug to be able to function

2 DRUG DEPENDENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE—User relies on the drug for a sense of well-being and is convinced that he/she needs the drug in order to function WITHDRAWAL—Occurs when someone who is physically or psychologically dependent on a drug stops using the drug (includes physical and psychological symptoms)

3 ALCOHOL ABUSE 12-15 Million ALCOHOLICS in US 24-36 Million PROBLEM DRINKERS in US Intervention —Not just at rock bottom --Set up meeting with user and individuals he/she has a strong connection with --Show the user the problem so they cannot make excuses, lie, or rationalize the problem

4 TREATMENT OPTIONS MEDICAL TREATMENT: Overseen by medical personnel Includes detoxification (weaning user off while minimizing withdrawal symptoms) Complete physical exam

5 TREATMENT OPTIONS INPATIENT / OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS: Licensed medical / psychological professionals Combination of individual, group, family therapy

6 TREATMENT OPTIONS THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES: Live – in residential arrangement Support by paraprofessionals who are former addicts ‘Halfway house’

7 TREATMENT OPTIONS TWELVE STEP PROGRAM: Voluntary support group format Regular meetings with others AA EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Offered by employers (Employers are less productive, more likely to injure themselves/others, eventual expensive health care costs)

8 TREATMENT OPTIONS STUDENT ASSISTANT PROGRAMS: Program run in the school Identify and work with students who are considered at exceptionally high risk for involvement Every school has one

9 TREATMENT OPTIONS PHARMACOLOGICAL APPROACHES: Psychoactive drugs prescribed to facilitate the counseling process, relieve depression, prevent relapse Anti-depressants used (Prozac, Zoloft) as well as mood stabilizers (Lithium) Antabuse developed to interact with alcohol producing headaches, nausea, vomiting when user drinks (Developed 50 yrs ago) Naltrexone reduces craving for alcohol

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