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Integrating with Windows Phone Hardware Jaime Rodriguez

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating with Windows Phone Hardware Jaime Rodriguez"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating with Windows Phone Hardware Jaime Rodriguez, @jaimerodriguez@jaimerodriguez

2 Agenda  Keyboard  Touch  Silverlight  XNA  Accelerometer  Audio  Video  Location  Compass

3 Keyboard

4 Demo Software Keyboard and Input Scope

5 Touch (in Silverlight)

6 Demo Touch in SIlverlight

7 Touch in XNA  TouchPanel  public static TouchPanelCapabilities GetCapabilities();  public static TouchCollection GetState();  TouchLocation  public Vector2 Position { get; }  public int Id { get; }  public bool TryGetPreviousLocation (out TouchLocation … );

8 Accelerometer Measures force applied on each axis over time +Y -Y +X -X +Z -Z

9 Accelerometer  AccelerometerSensor  ReadingChanged even  Start ()  Stop ()  AccelerometerReading  X -  Y –  Z

10 Demo Accelerometer

11 Audio Input  Mic input  Gives access to raw PCM WAV data  Calls BufferReady event at regular intervals  Call the GetData method from the BufferReady event or as often as your app requires  10ms latency

12 Media  Media support  H/W decode  MediaStreamSource  PlayReady DRM  MediaElement Limitations  One MediaElement only  No VideoBrush  XNA sound effect API  Supports polyphonic, looping wav data

13 Vibration  Vibrates the phone for a given duration  Useful for haptic feedback  Notifying users of updates VibrateController vc = VibrateController.Default; vc.Start(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // vc.Stop (); //to stop it before the timespan

14 Demo Vibrate & Media

15 location Location services + Accuracy - Power - Speed - Indoors - Accuracy + Power + Speed - Wilderness +/- Accuracy +/- Power +/- Speed +/- Urban areas GPS

16 Location Services  Smart device + cloud service  Balance accuracy with time & power  Consistent API across platforms

17 Demo location services

18 Thanks!! Questions ?

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