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My Media Campaign By Charlotte McLaren.. My Initial Idea For my piece I would like to create a print advert and a magazine highlighting the advantages.

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Presentation on theme: "My Media Campaign By Charlotte McLaren.. My Initial Idea For my piece I would like to create a print advert and a magazine highlighting the advantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Media Campaign By Charlotte McLaren.

2 My Initial Idea For my piece I would like to create a print advert and a magazine highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. My target audience is going to be teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 19 as I think this is the age where the internet is a major part of their lives and can also jeopardise their future. I would like to highlight how employers can look at their web pages, effects of cyber bullying and breaking down what a cyber bully is, benefits such as keeping in touch etc and danger of the internet.

3 Cyber-Bullying The main focus of my magazine will be cyber bullying as I think that is something that affects most teenagers and young adults. Although I will address other aspects of internet safety, this will be what most of the spreads in my magazine will be. I think this will be effective as I can use news stories such as: The Amanda Todd story The girl with the fake ‘boyfriend’ Josh and others that may be in the news at the moment or in the past.

4 My Magazine The name of my magazine will be ‘Make a Stand’. I will use Demi Lovato as my celebrity endorsement In my magazine I will use celebrity reference as young girls look up to certain celebrities and often listen to what they say.

5 Drafts. This is what I would like my front cover to look like however I would need somebody to act out the role of Demi Lovato. The white background connotes the purity of teenage girls and also means you can read all of the information clearly. By using a brightly coloured logo the reader can take away a sense of happiness and also it captures your attention. I got the idea of ‘because every teenage girl deserves to be happy’ from another anti- bullying magazine that I looked at on the internet. Also by using the pinks on the front cover this automatically shows who my target audience is and also is corporated inside my magazine too.

6 The main focus will be my magazine however I will also be doing a print advert using similar techniques and stories as the magazine.

7 Examples of similar posters to mine. These have helped me to create my posters as they have given me ideas of text and how to approach the situation I’m writing about in a pleasant manner. Also they have made me personally think about bullying so I have been able to put my own emotions into my work.

8 This is my poster. I have incorporated the colours of the logo and the text so that it is clear, bright and shows the audience what the poster is about and what it is linked to (my magazine.) I will need to get people to act out the pictures on the poster at the moment however I will be sticking to the format of the ones I have. I have ensured that I haven’t used too much text mainly because it is aimed at teenagers so that it doesn’t get boring to read. I have also used the same colours on my poster as to my magazine so that audiences can easily make the link between the two.

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