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Strong Interest Inventory/Holland Codes Grace Kim CPU 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Strong Interest Inventory/Holland Codes Grace Kim CPU 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strong Interest Inventory/Holland Codes Grace Kim CPU 100

2 InvestigativeArtisticSocialEnterprising Conventional Realistic Relationship of Interests

3 Realistic: The Doers  Likes to work with their hands, tools, machinery, computer networks  Rugged, practical, physically strong  Enjoy fixing, building, repairing, working outdoors  Described as practical, persistent, adventurous, sensible, self-reliant  Motivated to use hands-on skills to produce tangible results Realistic

4 Realistic Work Environments  Manufacturing or industrial firms with tangible products  Construction, mining and energy industries  Transportation fields (air, trucking, local transit, etc.)  The outdoors; small, rural communities  Situations calling for minimal interaction with others  Situations permitting casual dress  Organizations structured with clearly drawn lines of authority (armed forces, law enforcement, etc.)

5 Investigative: The Thinkers  Likes to gather information, uncover new facts/theories, and interpret data  Potentially competent in science, math, analysis, writing and problem solving  Described as curious, independent, reserved, rational, non-conforming  Motivated to probe questions of intellectual curiosity Investigative

6  Unstructured organizations that allow freedom in work styles  Research and design laboratories and firms  Universities and colleges  Medical facilities  Computer-related industries  Scientific foundations and think tanks Investigative Work Environments

7 Artistic: The Creators  Likes art, music, drama, etc.  Express their interests in leisure as well as vocational activities  Enjoy writing, creating art, appreciating art, acting/performing  Described as impulsive, non-conforming & independent  Motivated to express themselves through their work Artistic

8 Artistic – Work Environments  Unstructured, flexible organizations that allow self- expression  Artistic studios (preferably their own)  Theaters and concert halls  Institutions that teach artistic skills (universities, music & dance schools, art institutes, etc.)  Museums, libraries, galleries  Advertising, public relations, graphic design and interior-design firms

9 Social: The Helpers  Likes to work with people, often in groups  Enjoy helping, nurturing, and teaching, especially young people  Solve problems through discussions of feelings and interactions with others  May enjoy working with people through leading, directing and persuading  Described as humanistic, idealistic, cooperative  Motivated to help and empower Social

10 Social – Work Environments  Social service agencies  Schools  Religious organizations  Human resources departments  Medical service and healthcare facilities  Mental health clinics

11 Enterprising: The Persuaders  Enjoy working with other people and leading them toward organizational goals and/or economic success  Likes to lead groups, give speeches, manage people and projects, persuade  Seeks positions of leadership, power, status  Described as persuasive, adventuresome, competitive, energetic, sociable, optimistic  Motivated to persuade others of the merits of an idea or product Enterprising

12 Enterprising – Work Environments  Industrial and manufacturing firms  Government and political organizations  Seats of power and finance (large corporations, brokerage firms, executive offices, etc.)  Retail and wholesale firms  Fund-raising organizations  Independently owned businesses

13 Conventional: The Organizers  Likes activities requiring attention to detail, organization, accuracy and data systems  Enjoys mathematics and data management activities  Described as practical, organized, systematic, accurate, conscientious  Motivated to organize information and bring order to data and things Conventional

14 Conventional – Work Environments  Large corporations  Business offices  Financial institutions (banks, credit companies, etc.)  Accounting Firms  Quality control and inspection departments  Structured organizations with well- ordered chains of command

15 Theme Sheet Activity Choose top 3 Codes Highlight basic interests Highlight basic interests Highlight descriptions Highlight descriptions Utilize skills sort results Utilize skills sort results Glance over bottom three codes Glance over bottom three codes

16 Partner Discussions Discuss top three themes Discuss top three themes Highlighted areas of interests and descriptions Highlighted areas of interests and descriptions Possible topics for research project Possible topics for research project

17 Island Activity What venues do you have on your island? What venues do you have on your island? What activities do you do? What activities do you do? What are your roles or jobs? What are your roles or jobs? Which famous people Which famous people live on your island?

18 Questions? Drop In Advising: Mon - Fri: 11am - 3pm Location: 97-100 (909) 869-2342

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