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Got Calcium?. Calcium’s Natural Form Calcium's natural form is a whitish grayish color after being exposed to air.

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Presentation on theme: "Got Calcium?. Calcium’s Natural Form Calcium's natural form is a whitish grayish color after being exposed to air."— Presentation transcript:

1 Got Calcium?

2 Calcium’s Natural Form Calcium's natural form is a whitish grayish color after being exposed to air.

3 Who Discovered it In the autumn of 1803, an Englishman named John Dalton “discovered” calcium when the roman's discovered calcium when they didn’t even know it.

4 Calcium’s Melting Point Calciums melting point is 842 degrees Celsius.

5 Calcium's Boiling Point Calcium's boiling point is 1484 degrees Celcius.

6 Calcium's Name in Other Languages Latin: Calcium Czech: Vápník Croatian: Kalcij French: Calcium German: Kalzium - r Italian: Calcio Norwegian: Kalsium Portuguese: Cálcio Spanish: Calcio Swedish: Kalcium

7 Websites ebelements/elements/text/Ca/ke y.html ebelements/elements/text/Ca/ke y.html http://environmentalchemistry.c om/yogi/periodic/Ca.htmlhttp://environmentalchemistry.c om/yogi/periodic/Ca.html

8 More Websites c_calculator/ c_calculator/ c12/ch155/ch155b.html c12/ch155/ch155b.html c_calculator/ c_calculator/ c12/ch155/ch155b.html c12/ch155/ch155b.html

9 Why We Need Calcium We need calcium for proper function of the muscles, teeth, bones, and your nerves

10 End

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