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Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. 2/20/2016 District and Site Coordinator Responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. 2/20/2016 District and Site Coordinator Responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. 2/20/2016 District and Site Coordinator Responsibilities

2 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. District Coordinators’ Responsibilities #1 Responsibility—Security – No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing For testing purposes, any electronic device that is not specifically designated as an accommodation or modification in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan is unauthorized. – Security audits to occur 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 2 Q 1 H 2 M 10, 30

3 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Security Audits At randomly selected schools and district offices Before, during, or after testing Are materials secure, accounted for, and locked up when not in use? Are correct administrative procedures being followed? For example: – Instructional materials have been removed or covered. – Students are not being coached through the exams. – Only appropriate accommodations and/or modifications are being provided, et. al. – No unauthorized electronic devices are being used. 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 3

4 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. District Coordinators’ Responsibilities #2 Responsibility—Train Coordinators: – Emphasis on heightened security – New and updated videos – Additions to DFAs – Room sign with reminder of no electronic devices To be posted in clear view of students Included in District Coordinator kit Available on Can be photocopied 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 4 H 2 M 30

5 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved.Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2010 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 5

6 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. STAR Site Coordinator Responsibilities Train examiners. Ensure examiners READ and sign affidavits. Coordinator retains. Prevent errors. Secure test materials. Verify materials are marked correctly to ensure correct student scores. Guarantee correct enrollment counts. Return materials promptly. 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 6 M 48 H 2

7 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Site Coordinators: Train Examiners READ and sign affidavits. Emphasize NO unauthorized electronic devices. MAKE SURE CORRECT TESTS ARE GIVEN. Students who are not testing may not stay in the classroom where a test is being administered. If students need to be taken to another room to finish testing, BE SURE THEY ARE ESCORTED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT STAFF. Do not allow students to walk to another room with test materials by themselves. 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 7 H 2 M 50−52

8 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Site Coordinators Train Examiners (cont.) Examiners CANNOT: – Review test questions before, during, or after testing. – Check students’ answers including (but not limited to): 1.Advise students of wrong answer or to check an answer; or 2.Withhold answer docs until students demonstrate they have the right answers. H 2 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 8 M 50−52

9 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Site Coordinators Train Examiners (cont.) Examiners shall monitor students throughout testing to make sure students are: – On correct part – Not going on to other parts or back to a previously completed part – Not skipping a question on their answer document (so that they are off by one or more) – Not using unauthorized electronic devices during testing session H 2 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 9 M 50−52

10 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. STAR Security 2/20/2016 No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing 10

11 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved.Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2010 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. EXPEDITED RETURN OF RESULTS 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 11

12 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Expedited Return of CST & CMA Results Results available within 2–3 weeks of receipt of materials at scoring center Scorable materials must be complete and include all information, including accurate SGID. QC process for early tests before results release. Downloadable file from STAR Management System: – Receive an e-mail notification of a link to a data file. – File will include only a subset from the regular STAR data file. – Data layout will be posted soon – Abbreviated version of the data file Student identifying information, scale scores and performance levels – Use with caution: final results subject to change. For example: An item removed for equating due to a security breach 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 12 Q 10

13 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Paperless Aggregate Reporting 2/20/2016 It’s a pilot for 2013 only, close to completion ETS will make suggestions from the pilot as part of a proposal to the CDE for 2014 13

14 Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. 2/20/2016 ?’s 14

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