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ATMCH meeting February 28, 2013. Outline Accountability Content Evaluation Communication and Outreach.

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Presentation on theme: "ATMCH meeting February 28, 2013. Outline Accountability Content Evaluation Communication and Outreach."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATMCH meeting February 28, 2013

2 Outline Accountability Content Evaluation Communication and Outreach

3 ATMCH’s Mission Aims to provide leadership in education, research, and service in the field of maternal and child health. Offers an interdisciplinary forum through which MCH faculty from schools of public health and other institutions of higher learning can share the knowledge, ideas, and skills essential to educating students, advancing MCH research, and applying research results to MCH policies, programs, and services

4 Updated based on conversations at strategic planning session at UIC retreat Mission: A professional venue for teachers, educators, and students in academic programs committed to improving the health and well-being of women, children, and families across the lifespan to 1) discuss, design and disseminate excellent MCH teaching, education, and technical assistance strategies and programs, 2) engage in the development and conduct of innovative MCH research projects, and 3) to advocate for a strong focus on MCH training in undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs. Mission: Teachers, educators, and students in MCH and MCH-related academic programs participate in an MCH Teaching and Education Community of Practice that engages the MCH workforce in work that results in significant achievement of Healthy People 2020 goals for women, children, and families. I know what is meant here but I’m not sure if the use of the term “community of practice” will make sense to all. Not sure if we want to put a limit on the mission statement but I’m stuck. This could be wordsmithed, I think, to be a vision.

5 Teaching Excellence in MCH Mentoring of MCH Faculty and Students Educating Future MCH Workforce What ATMCH does and can do


7 Teaching Excellence MCH syllabi project Methodology workshops Innovative teaching projects Focused content area sessions at ATMCH meetings and via webinars ***MCH Teaching Institute—Knowledge to Practice grant***

8 Mentoring of

9 Education of Future Workforce

10 Accountability Clear budgets, reports, etc. To members

11 Content Use innovative teaching RFP for appropriate projects – Innovative Teaching (continue) – Mentoring program (revitalize) – Navigator gaps (work with MCH Navigator project) – Other areas

12 Evaluation Rigorous evaluative component to all projects

13 Communication and Outreach Members MCHB Schools of Public Health MCHB-funded training programs Engage non-SPH programs through the work of MCHB and other connections AMCHP ***Need to develop specific action steps, timelines

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