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Extensible Tree Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua

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1 Extensible Tree Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua

2 Binary Tree book chap1chap2 sec11 sec12sec21 subsec111 sec22

3 Binary Search Tree (BST) 10 715 5 812 3 37

4 Extensible Tree 1 23 4 567 8

5 Definition of Extensible Tree An extensible tree is a collection of nodes: there exists a unique root node r other nodes are classified into n (n>=0) disjoint sets T_1, …, T_n, and every T_i is also a tree. T_1, …, T_n are called sub-trees of r. Moral: n may not be determined statically (dynamically extensible) Recursive definition Sub-trees disjoint

6 In Graph 1 23 4 567 8 unique root

7 Terminologies 1 23 4 567 8 node degree leaves root internal node parent & child siblings depth=1 depth=0 depth=2 depth=3

8 Tree Extension 1 23 4 567 8 9

9 Binary Tree Representation // For binary tree typedef struct btree *btree; struct btree { poly data; btree left; btree right; }; t leftdataright data leftright

10 Extensible Tree // For general tree typedef struct tree *tree; struct tree { poly data; tree child1; tree child2; …; tree childn; }; // ugly and // not extensible data child1childnchild2... t datachild1child2childn …

11 Extensible Tree Recall the graph representation: 1. Adjacency matrix 2. Adjacency list 0 12 3

12 Adjacency Matrix 0 12 3 ### 0 1 2 3 0 1 23

13 Adjacency Matrix Extension 0 12 3 0 1 2 3 0123 4 #### 4 4

14 Adjacency List 0 12 3 0 1 2 3 123

15 Adjacency List Extension 0 12 34 0 1 2 3 4 1234

16 Extensible Tree in C

17 Abstract Data Types in C: Interface // in file “tree.h” #ifndef TREE_H #define TREE_H typedef struct btree *btree; typedef void (*visitTy) (poly); tree newTree (); void insertVertex (tree t, poly v); void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to); void preOrder (btree t, poly r, visitTy visit); void levelOrder (btree t, poly r, visitTy visit); #endif

18 Tree Implementation #1: Adjacency Matrix // adjacency matrix-based implementation #include “matrix.h” #include “hash.h” #include “tree.h” struct tree { matrix matrix; // remember the index hash hash; }; ### 0 1 2 3 0 1 23

19 Matrix Interface // file “matrix.h” #ifndef MATRIX_H #define MATRIX_H typedef struct matrix *matrix; matrix newMatrix (); void matrixInsert (matrix m, int i, int j); int matrixExtend (matrix m); #endif // Implementation could make use of a two- // dimensional extensible array, leave to you.

20 Tree Implementation #1: Adjacency Matrix tree newTree () { tree t = malloc (sizeof (*t)); t->matrix = newMatrix (); // an empty matrix t->hash = newHash (); return t; }

21 Tree Implementation #1: Adjacency Matrix void insertVertex (tree t, poly v) { int i = matrixExtend (t->matrix); hashInsert (t->hash, v, i); return; } ### 0 1 2 3 0 1 230 1 2 3 0123 ### 4 4

22 Tree Implementation #1: Adjacency Matrix void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { int f = hashLookup (t->hash, from); int t = hashLookup (t->hash, to); matrixInsert (t->matrix, f, t); return; } ### 0 1 2 3 0 1 230 1 2 3 0123 #### 4 4

23 How to build a tree? Starting from an empty tree t Insert all vertices Insert all edges

24 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u

25 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0

26 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 1

27 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 12

28 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 12 3

29 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 12 3

30 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 12 3

31 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u 0 12 3

32 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List #include “linkedList.h” #include “tree.h” struct tree{ linkedList vertices; }; typedef struct vertex *vertex; typedef struct edge *edge; struct vertex { poly data; linkedList edges; }; struct edge { vertex from; vertex to; }

33 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List #include “linkedList.h” #include “tree.h” struct tree{ linkedList vertices; }; typedef struct vertex *vertex; typedef struct edge *edge; struct vertex { poly data; linkedList edges; }; struct edge { vertex from; vertex to; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3

34 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List tree newTree () { tree t = malloc (sizeof (*t)); t->vertices = newLinkedList (); return t; }

35 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List // but we’ve vertices and edges vertex newVertex (poly data) { vertex v = malloc (sizeof (*v)); v->data = data; v->edges = newLinkedList (); return v; }

36 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List // but we’ve vertices and edges edge newEdge (vertex from, vertex to) { edge e = malloc (sizeof (*e)); e->from = from; e->to = to; return e; }

37 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertVertex (tree t, poly data) { vertex v = newVertex (data); linkedListInsertTail (t->vertices, v); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

38 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertVertex (tree t, poly data) { vertex v = newVertex (data); linkedListInsertTail (t->vertices, v); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

39 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertVertex (tree t, poly data) { vertex v = newVertex (data); linkedListInsertTail (t->vertices, v); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

40 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { vertex vf = lookupVertex (t, from); vertex vt = lookupVertex (t, to); edge e = newEdge (vf, vt); linkedListInsertTail (vf->edges, e); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

41 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { vertex vf = lookupVertex (t, from); vertex vt = lookupVertex (t, to); edge e = newEdge (vf, vt); linkedListInsertTail (vf->edges, e); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

42 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { vertex vf = lookupVertex (t, from); vertex vt = lookupVertex (t, to); edge e = newEdge (vf, vt); linkedListInsertTail (vf->edges, e); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4

43 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { vertex vf = lookupVertex (t, from); vertex vt = lookupVertex (t, to); edge e = newEdge (vf, vt); linkedListInsertTail (vf->edges, e); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4 0->4

44 Tree Representation #2: Adjacency List void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to) { vertex vf = lookupVertex (t, from); vertex vt = lookupVertex (t, to); edge e = newEdge (vf, vt); linkedListInsertTail (vf->edges, e); return; } 0 1 2 3 0->10->20->3 4 0->4

45 Client Code int main () { tree t = newTree (); insertVertex (t, “x”); insertVertex (t, “y”); insertVertex (t, “z”); insertVertex (t, “u”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “y”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “z”); insertEdge (t, “x”, “u”); } x yz u

46 Tree Traversal

47 Abstract Data Types in C: Interface // in file “tree.h” #ifndef TREE_H #define TREE_H typedef struct btree *btree; typedef void (*visitTy) (poly); tree newTree (); void insertVertex (tree t, poly v); void insertEdge (tree t, poly from, poly to); void preOrder (btree t, poly r, visitTy visit); void levelOrder (btree t, poly r, visitTy visit); #endif

48 Pre-order Traversal void preOrder (tree t, poly r, visitTy visit) { vertex rv = lookupVertex (t, r); visit (rv->data); linkedList edges = rv->edges; while (edges) { preOrder (t, edges->data->to, visit); edges = edges->next; } return; } // try isit = printf // in-order and post-order similar

49 Moral preOrder is a recursive algorithm: defined on recursively defined data structures system (machine) keeps a stack to control the recursive order Generally, recursion are more elegant, easy- to-write and easy-to-reason than corresponding iterative ones A powerful programming idiom to recommend Some languages even encourage this by removing “ while ” and “ for ” completely

50 Level-order Traversal void levelOrder (tree t, poly r, visitTy visit) { queue q = newQueue (); vertex vr = lookupVertex (t, r); enQueue (q, vr); while (! queueIsEmpty(q)) { vertex x = deQueue (q); visit (x->data); linkeList edges = x->edges; while (edges){ enQueue (q, edges->data->to); edges = edges->next; }

51 Moral Pre-order traversal ==> depth first searching (dfs) Level-order traversal ==> breath first search (bfs)

52 Summary Extensible tree is a beautiful and elegant data structure every vertex has arbitrary number of children structure is inductively defined In all cases, such a data structure is worth of recommendation Could be generalized to graphs Next class

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