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PENDLETON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. Applications Available: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Applications will be available in electronic version on the web and CDs will.

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2 Applications Available: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Applications will be available in electronic version on the web and CDs will be available for check-out. Paper copies will be available for those who have need.

3  A list of scholarships & eligibility criteria will be made available on Tuesday, February 25, in English IV classes.  Identify & circle scholarships that you are qualified to receive and interest you.  Use this list to select scholarships on the web/disc.  Seniors are responsible for accessing applications on their own—contact Counseling Office for assistance.

4  Discs are available for check-out from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. any school day in the Counseling Office from 2/25-3/24.  Suggested times to stop in:  Before School  During Lunch  After Dismissal Bell  Do NOT miss instruction to pick up application materials!

5  This is a PROCESS. It takes time & energy.  Look over each application.  Make a checklist of what you need to do to complete each application, such as: transcripts, resumes, recommendation letters, etc. Some students have created a spread sheet or table to organize this information. This helps when putting the final application together.

6  Review applications & total the number of transcripts needed.  Transcripts will be available on the IC Portal or email Mrs. Glaza or stop by her desk to request transcripts.  If you request these thru the Counseling Office, provide your name & the number of transcripts needed.  Come back to the Counseling Office in 1 or 2 working days to pick these up.  Request Transcripts by: Wednesday, March 19.

7 Review specifics for Recommendations.  Who should write these?  What type of information should be included?  Is there a rating scale to complete? If so, should it be attached to a letter?  How should letters be returned with the application?

8  Ask references if they are able & willing to write a letter(s) for you.  Give them no less than a week’s notice & arrange to get the letter from them.  Provide envelope(s) if the letter needs to be returned in one. Label these in advance.  Provide the reference with necessary information, such as a resume.  Send “Thank You” notes.

9  Personal Info: Name, Address, Contacts  Academic Profile: School, Grade, Anticipated Graduation Date, GPA, Rank & emphasis in academic program or senior year courses  Work Experience & Employment History  Extra- Curricular Activities:  Years of Participation  Leadership Roles  Community Service  Awards/Recognitions

10  Before starting, read each scholarship thoroughly.  Follow specific instructions, like “must be typed”.  Read questions and essay prompts carefully. It is important to answer all parts of questions.  Follow word count requirements

11  Neatness counts.  Typed is preferred, even if not specified. If not possible and only as last resort, complete in ink (black is preferable). Make it neat & legible.  Proofread carefully – grammar, spelling, punctuation.  Respect class instructional time. Class time is not to be used to complete applications.

12  Put each completed application together.  Double (TRIPLE) check to be sure all requested information is ready to be attached.  All attachments should be behind the actual application form.

13 The Do’s  Attach items by stapling them.  Use ONE staple in the upper left corner.  Return on or before the deadline. The Don’ts  Don’t attach a cover page.  Don’t include anything other than what is requested.  Don’t put the application in a cover.

14  This is a scholarship competition.  Most members of committees are not school personnel.  Be thorough, sincere & honest in your responses.

15 Applications and Related Information Due: TUESDAY, MARCH 25 Turn in to the Counseling Office no later than 4:00 p.m. Applications returned after this date and time will not be considered. NO EXCEPTIONS.

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